Place a Comment With a Leader Line - Intergraph Smart Review - Help

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Intergraph Smart Review
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
7.1 (2018 R1)
Smart Review Version

Comments > Place > Leader

Places a new comment in the model with a leader line. The new comment is assigned the next available comment number, and the comment becomes the active comment. When you place the new comment, the software saves the corresponding view.

If the message Comment display is currently off displays, the Comments > Display > None command is active. This means that the comments do not display in the Main view.

  1. Click Comments > Place > Leader. You can also access the Leader command by pressing F9 on your keyboard.

  2. Move to the location or object to associate to the comment.

  3. Move the eye point as close to the object as possible. This improves the rendering and makes later navigation easier around the area.

    To improve the quality of the view associated to each comment, change to non-perspective mode, and set the near clipping plane as far forward into the view as possible if the automatic clipping plane does not give the required results. These comment positioning measures, however, only improve the view quality and not navigation.

    In the example below, the comment is going to be associated to a tank in the sprdemo.vue sample file. The eyepoint has been moved to focus on the tank.

  4. Left-click to accept the placement point for the beginning of the leader line. The first placement point is used to set the target depth for your bubble in the current view, as well as the starting point for the leader line.

    • The beginning of the leader line can also be placed using a 3D data point or by simply single-clicking a point in space. However, these methods do not associate the comment with an object in the model.

    • Double-clicking causes the object to highlight. You can see the attributes of the object in the Text window, and accept or reject the placement point. The leader line starts at the point where you clicked the object. However, you do not see the leader line until the bubble is placed.

  5. Single-click at the location in which to place your bubble.

    The Edit Comments dialog box displays.

  6. Type descriptions and action text in the Text box. You can also type in a URL address (such as to access a valid website, or open a document. The information and hyperlinks can be accessed from the Text window.

    If your URL address contains spaces, enclose the entire URL address in angle brackets <> (<file:///[drive]:\[folder name]\[file name]>).

    The software automatically assigns the next available comment number to the new comment. The new comment becomes the active one. When you create a comment, the software automatically saves the current view, associates it to the comment, and creates a thumbnail image file for display in the Text window.

  • The view settings saved with a comment are the levels, the eye and center point locations, and the clipping planes. Each time that you display a comment, the corresponding view is also displayed. These view parameters associated with a comment cannot be edited.

  • To see the comment attributes, action text, thumbnail view, and hyperlinks, open the Text window. You can use the Comments Reviewer to see a list of all placed comments in the current model. For more information, see Review Comments.

  • You can establish the pre-defined template used by the Place Comment command by creating an ASCII text file named tagseed.txt. Smart Review searches first in the folder specified by the DR_TAGSEED_DIR variable. If the file is not there, Smart Review searches your home folder and then C:\ before assuming that the file does not exist.