Angle - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D Drawings and Reports Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version
12 (2018)

Controls the vertical, horizontal, or absolute angle of a label.

You can select from the following three values: Vertical, Horizontal, or Absolute.

Select a Vertical setting to vertically orient the label.


1 - Vertically placed label

You can place a vertical label only in the top or bottom margins of the view. The Angle property cannot produce a vertically oriented label in the right or left margins of the view. For labels in the top or bottom margin, a vertical orientation is assumed if you do not specify an orientation for Angle.

  • Select a Horizontal setting to vertically orient the label in the top or bottom margin.


    1 - Horizontally placed label

    • Labels in the left and right margins are always horizontal when using the Clear Space Margin with Dimensions (DwgMatchlineWithDim) positioning module.

    • The following conditions must be met in order to specify a Vertical or Horizontal value for Angle.

      • You must use the Clear Space Margin with Dimensions (DwgMatchlineWithDim) positioning module.

      • You must specify a value of Top or Bottom for Orientation. Otherwise, the software ignores the property. For more information, see Orientation.

  • An Absolute setting is used when the system cannot find clear space in which to place the label. The software steps out away from the coordinate point, searching for clear space. After the system has searched all of the available positions, if the system cannot find clear space, the software switches to the Absolute XY Offset (DrawingAbsolute) positioning module. The system uses the Absolute XY Offset positioning module in order to ensure that the label is placed even when no clear space is available. The software then places the label so that the label overlaps objects and annotations in the view.

    The following graphic illustrates a setting for a 1.57 degree angle used with the Easting component of a coordinate label.


    1 - East label

    2 - North Label

  • If you do not specify an angle, the default angle is 0.

  • The following positioning modules use the Angle property:

    • Clear Space Margin with Dimensions (DwgMatchlineWithDim)

    • Absolute XY Offset (DrawingAbsolute)

  • The following options are available for manually editing the .xml file.

    • If you are using the Absolute XY Offset (DrawingAbsolute) positioning module, then type a floating point number as the value. You must type a number greater than negative pi/2 and less than or equal to positive pi/2. Additionally, you must set the value in radians, not degrees. The default value when you use this module is 0.0.

    • If you use the Clear Space Margin with Dimensions (DwgMatchlineWithDim) positioning module, then you can specify 0 to set a Horizontal angle or 1 to specify a Vertical angle. The default value when you use this module is 1.

  • Enclose any of the above values within the following .xml tags.
