Member logical axis has zero length. - Intergraph Smart 3D - Troubleshooting

Intergraph Smart 3D Troubleshooting Reference

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Smart 3D Version
12.1 (2019)

Meaning: The starting position of the member logical axis is coincident with the end point of the logical axis. This is likely a result of computing a member that is related at both ends to one or more objects and these related objects are coincident. This problem can also occur as a result of a member having two surface default frame connection relations to the same surface and the owner of this surface was moved.


  1. Open the Structure task.

  2. Click Select .

  3. Set the Locate Filter to Frame Connections.

  4. Select one of the frame connections of the member in error.

  5. Select By Rule from the Connection box on the ribbon.

  6. Redefine the end location of the member such that the member is no longer zero in length.

Another recovery option is to delete the zero length member.