Exploring the Window with Your Mouse - SmartSketch - Help

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Use the left mouse button to do the following:

  • Select multiple elements by dragging to fence them.

  • Drag a selected element.

  • Click or drag to draw an element.

  • Select a menu or toolbar command.

  • Double-click to activate an embedded or linked object.

Use the right mouse button to do the following:

  • Restart a command.

  • Display a shortcut menu. Shortcut menus are context-sensitive. The commands on the menu depend upon your mouse location and which elements, if any, are selected.

You can also use the mouse to locate objects. As you move the pointer around on the drawing sheet, objects under the mouse change to a highlight color to indicate that they have been located. When you move the mouse away from a highlighted object, the object returns to its original color.

Using Ribbons and Dialog Boxes

Because the software is Office-Compatible, you will find the ribbons and dialog boxes work just like those in Windows. A unique ribbon appears when you click a specific command or when you select an element. These ribbons help you control various settings for the active command. You can place a ribbon bar only at the top or the bottom of the window. You can drag a ribbon to the top or the bottom, but not to the sides, of the window The following figure shows a ribbon.

Ribbons and dialog boxes contain one or more of the following tools:

A check box sets or clears an option. When you click the check box, an X appears to show that the option is set. Clicking the check box again clears it.

Some options give you two or more choices. You can click an option to activate it.

A box accepts a value when you type it and press Tab or Enter. You can edit the text by highlighting it with the mouse and then pressing Backspace or Delete.

A drop-down list box gives you several options to select from. In some cases, you can also type a value in the field.

A list box allows you to select an item from a list. You can scroll through the list using the scroll bar and double-click an item. Or, you can click an option on the list and then click OK on the dialog box.

Using Toolbars

The toolbars give you quick access to commands. You can place a toolbar anywhere within the application window, either docked at the top, bottom, right, or left, or floating anywhere in your workspace.

On a toolbar, some command buttons display fly-outs when you click and hold the command button. Fly-outs access commands that are closely associated with the button that you clicked. These types of buttons have a small black arrow in the bottom right corner.

Arranging Your Work Space

You can arrange the workspace in several ways:

  • Move windows around on the screen.

  • Display, hide, or customize toolbars using Toolbars on the View menu or the buttons on the Main toolbar.

  • Move a ribbon to the top or bottom of the drawing sheet.

  • Set viewing options for the active window by clicking Options on the Tools menu and setting the options you want on the dialog box.