A.60.37 Customer CIPs/Forms/Reports - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 2020 (10.0) - Customization & Programming - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart Materials Customization (2020)

Intergraph Smart Materials
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Customization & Programming
Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version
2020 (10.0)

You can use the A.60.37 Customer CIPs/Forms/Reports screen to view and maintain information about the use of customer-installed procedures and functions (CIPs) in forms, packages, stored procedures, and reports. Furthermore, you can analyze the packages to find related database tables, and you can edit and compile the CIP functions and procedures.

In the first (CIPs) block, all custom packages are listed with their descriptions.

Click to find the database tables that are used by the selected package. A window opens where the tables are listed.

Click OK to close the window.

In the second (CIP Refs) block, the functions and procedures that are included in the selected package appear. The Object Name field shows the name of the function or procedure, the Object Type field shows the type (FUNCTION or PROCEDURE), and the Comment field shows a brief description.

Click to open Window 2.

Due to technical restrictions, only objects with a maximum size of 32.767 bytes can be displayed and edited.

In the first line, the Object Name, Object Type, and Comment fields appear.

The Header field shows the procedure/function header. The declaration section of the function/procedure is shown in the Variables field. The Object text field displays the executable section of the function/procedure.

Click to compile the code of the function/procedure. The source code is not saved; it is only checked for inconsistencies. If there is an error, a warning message appears, and the error text appears in the field at the bottom of the screen.

Click to compile and save the changed function/procedure in the package. If there is an error, the source code is not saved, but a warning message appears, and the error text appears in the field at the bottom of the screen.

Click to cancel any changes and to return to the main screen.

In the third (Menus) block of the main screen, the screens that are linked to the selected CIP function/procedure appear.

At the top of the screen, you can see the Create Delta File and the Display Version Delta buttons. You can use these buttons to compare your database with a database that contains a newer version of Smart Materials.

To use this feature, you must create a database link to the remote database that has the newer Smart Materials version installed.

Click to open Window 4.

Enter the user name for the login connection to the database with the newer version in the User Name field, with the password in the Password field. Enter the alias of the database with the newer version in the Database field.

The Path Name field displays the path on the database server where the delta file is going to be saved. This path is defined by the DBA setting CIPS_DELTA_PATH. Enter the name of the file with the database changes in the File Name field.

Click to create a delta file based on the information given. This delta file contains information about the database table changes from your version compared to the newer version.

Click to cancel the operation and return to the main screen.

On the main screen, click to open Window 5.

The Path Name field displays the path on the database server where the delta file is going to be saved. This path is defined by the DBA setting CIPS_DELTA_PATH. Enter the name of the file with the database changes in the File Name field.

Click to display the table changes between the current and the newer version.

Click to cancel the operation and return to the main screen.