Consolidate Markup Layers - SmartPlant Markup Plus - Version 2019 SP 2 ( - Help

SmartPlant Markup Plus Help

SmartPlant Markup Plus
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

You must have permissions to create layers before you can consolidate layers. In addition, you can only consolidate layers where you have edit/modify permissions enabled and the layers are unlocked.

  1. Open a Hexagon drawing file format.

  2. Click Layer > Create and add at least two layers to the drawing.

  3. Click Layer > Consolidate.

    The Consolidated the Loaded Layers status bar message displays to confirm that the layers were consolidated.

  4. Click Layer > Save to consolidate all the markups into one layer.

    Your changes are not automatically saved for this command. You must click Layer > Save for the consolidation changes to be saved.