Select an Item or Area - SmartPlant Markup Plus - Version 2019 SP 2 ( - Help

SmartPlant Markup Plus Help

SmartPlant Markup Plus
Search by Category
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)
  1. Click Edit > Locate Filter.

  2. In the Locate Filter dialog box, indicate the type of information you want to select.

  3. Click Markup > Select Tool.

  4. Use the mouse to select one or more items in the view or to draw a fence around a specific area. The items selected in that area are determined by the option you chose on the Locate Filter dialog box.

  • The options on the Locate Filter dialog box determine what type of items you can select with the Select Tool. If you choose the Markups option, only markup elements in the active layer can be selected. Or, choose the All option if you want to select a specific area of the view, including the original file and any markup layers that are displayed.

  • Once you have selected elements or an area, the Copy and Delete commands on the Edit menu become available.

See Also

Select Tool Command