Define Delivery Requirement - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 2020 (10.0) - Training - Hexagon

Smart Materials Web Tutorials 2020 (10.0)

Intergraph Smart Materials
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Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version
2020 (10.0)

The minimum information Smart Materials Web requires for requisition approval is the delivery location (destination) and the delivery date (ROS date). This information is required for every item on the requisition.

The ROS (Required on Site) date is the date when the material is required at its destination, which could be a fabrication yard, a paint shop, or the construction site. The Smart Materials MSCM and Site modules use this date in tender documents, agreements, and for site planning. The standard CIP m_pck_req_custom.std_ros_date is delivered with the software. It is called by the MTO job to calculate the ROS date. This CIP searches for the BOM position attribute ROS_DATE and copies its value to the requisition ROS date to prevent any further data from being entered by the user. This procedure requires that the ROS_DATE attribute is defined as a BOM position attribute and filled with a date value. You can customize this CIP function to retrieve this information from other sources, for example, external files or attribute information on components.

The delivery designation is specified on Global Setup > Materials Setup > Delivery Designations screen, and it represents the destination. Each project has different destinations depending on traffic routes and fabrication and site locations. The concept of delivery routes provides a basis for expediting and estimating when material arrives at its destination.

Define delivery requirement 1

Marked for Deletion - Indicates if line item has been marked for deletion.

Keep Manual - Indicates whether line item has been marked for keep as manual requisition line item.

Increased Quantity - Increased quantity for the material on this line item.

Released Quantity - The total quantity the user wants to be ordered by procurement.

Recommend Quantity - Quantity recommended based on the disposition rules.

Corporate Warehouse Quantity - Quantity currently available for the material on this line item in the corporate warehouses accessible for the current user.

Free Issue Material Quantity - Quantity currently available for the material on a specific line item in the free issue material warehouses accessible by you.

Currency - Typically, this value is applied by procurement in the MSCM module. However, a default can be applied here.

Budget - You can enter a budget value for the selected requisition line item in this field.

Delivery Designation – See description above.

Activity Code - An activity can be assigned to the requisition line item using the LOV in this field. When you enter an activity, the current date of that activity is copied over to the ROS Date field.

Weight Unit - The weight unit can be entered using the LOV in the Weight Unit field. All units defined for the unit groups 'WEIGHT' and 'QUANTITY' are available for selection in this field.

Account Code - The account code can be universally applied here or on an individual line item basis. However, the most efficient way to apply an account code is to incorporate a CIP function during the MTO job.

Procure Channel - Procurement Channel. This attribute must be filled only if the material on this requisition line item is not processed by the procurement department. This attribute can be filled automatically by the CIP m_pck_req_custom.std_proc_channel during MTO job execution.

Allow Release to Procurement indicator – This indicator shows whether positions can be released to procurement or not. This indicator enables you to lock positions from releasing to procurement.

Force Releasing to Procurement - Indicates whether this line item must be released to procurement regardless of the quantity or not.

TE Rqd indicator - A technical evaluation is required if this indicator is selected. This value can be specified during the MTO job, but it can be changed here if required.

When the requisition is released, there is no way to release locked positions from this requisition later on.