Installation - j5 - 28.0 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

j5 SAP PM Integration Configuration

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Administration & Configuration
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When both SAPCAR and NWRFC have been downloaded, use SAPCAR to unpack the NWRFC SAR archive:

  1. Open a command prompt and navigate to the location of the files.

  2. Unpack them with a command similar in format to

    C:\SAPCAR_721-20010451.EXE -xvf NWRFC_42-20004566.SAR

    where the first argument refers to the SAPCAR file and the third one refers to the the NWRFC file. A folder called ‘nwrfcsdk’ is created.

    It is not recommended to put the ‘nwrfcsdk’ directory in a user specific directory (such as the Desktop) as this can sometimes have permission issues. Rather place it in a more general location such as C:\

  3. Add the location of nwrfcsdk\lib to the Path variable in the System variables section of the Environment Variables window.

An environment variable can be set as a System or a User variable. A System variable will allow the SAP connector to work regardless of which user j5 is configured to run as, whereas a User variable would only be for the user logged in at the time the variable is entered.