Command line options for downloading and installing latest client - Intergraph Smart Licensing - Version 14.2 - Help - Hexagon

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Intergraph Smart Licensing
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The Client Download tool allows administrators to download and install the latest Smart Licensing Client.

The ClientDownloadTool.exe program is located in the Smart Licensing Client installation folder. For example, C:\Program Files\Intergraph Smart Licensing\Client


ClientDownloadTool.exe { { -c | -d <directory> | -i | -a < directory> } [ -p | -h | -k | -n]}





Checks for the latest version of Smart Licensing Client.

-d <directory>

Downloads the latest version of the client to the given directory.


Downloads and installs the latest version of Smart Licensing Client.


Pauses after execution to display results.


Displays help at the command prompt.


Keeps installer files in temporary folder post installation when used in conjunction with -i.

-a <directory>

Installs downloaded client from specified directory.


Displays the installer path when used in conjunction with -i.


To check for the latest version, type:

"C:\Program Files\Intergraph Smart Licensing\Client\ClientDownloadTool.exe" -c

To download the latest client installation to a specified directory:

"C:\Program Files\Intergraph Smart Licensing\Client\ClientDownloadTool.exe" -d C:\Temp\SmartLicensing

To download and install the latest client, type:

"C:\Program Files\Intergraph Smart Licensing\Client\ClientDownloadTool.exe" -i

To keep the installer files post installation, type:

"C:\Program Files\Intergraph Smart Licensing\Client\ClientDownloadTool.exe" -i -k

To Install downloaded client from specified directory, type:

"C:\Program Files\Intergraph Smart Licensing\Client\ClientDownloadTool.exe" -a C:\Temp\SmartLicensing