Transfer idents - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - 2020 (10.0) - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Reference Data Plus Help (2020)

Intergraph Smart Reference Data
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Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version
2020 (10.0)

Selection of idents for transferring can be done in both the Multi Ident View as well as the Classification Tree View in the XC20 CMS Component Manager. The mechanism to select and transfer is supported by right-clicking on the views. You can select the idents in the following ways:

  1. Right-click a class, and from the shortcut menu, select the Transfer Idents command.

    1. If the class is a leaf node, all idents of this selected class are considered for transferring.

    2. If the class is not a leaf node, the idents from all the classes that are part of the sub-tree of the selected node and are leaf nodes are considered for transfer.

  2. Right-click idents in the MAV, and from the shortcut menu select the Transfer Idents command. Only the selected idents are considered for the transfer process. This action is supported only when the grid is in read-only mode.

Once the Transfer Idents command is selected from either view, a dialog box appears as shown in the picture below.

This dialog box lists all selected idents and their classes. Additionally, the grid of the selected idents displays the commodity code and ident description for each selected ident. On this dialog box, you must choose a pre-defined workload name to be used to transfer all selected idents. Additionally, you must also select a priority (High, Medium, or Low) for the transfer and provide a reason for transfer. Once you are done and click the Add To Workload button, the software starts the process of transferring idents to the workload table. Before transferring an ident, a verification process is applied. According to the verification result, an ident is transferred to the workload table.

During the verification job, each ident is checked for whether it has been previously transferred using the same workload name and is still available and waiting in the interface table for transfer to the SAP system. If found, you are alerted with a message “Some idents in the list are already transferred to workload. Do you want to update them?".

  • If the response is Yes, then for all idents that are in the selection list and also found in the interface table, the reason and priority is modified with the current values.

  • If the response is No, then all idents that are in the selection list and also found in the interface table are discarded and only the new idents are transferred to the SAP interface table. For the response No, the message "The ident transfer completed successfully" is shown only if there is at least one (new) ident additionally transferred.

  • If the response is Cancel, the idents (both existing and new) are not transferred. The transfer process is stopped and hence the message "The ident transfer completed successfully" is not shown.