Edit class in classification tree - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - 2020 (10.0) - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Reference Data Plus Help (2020)

Intergraph Smart Reference Data
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Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version
2020 (10.0)

This functionality provides you with various edit options in the CMS classification tree. The functionality can be accessed through the Edit command available on the shortcut menu of the classification tree view as shown below.

The following commands are available under Edit:

  • Copy

    This functionality allows you to copy an existing class in the CMS classification tree. The functionality can be accessed through the Edit > Copy command available on the shortcut menu of the classification tree view as shown below. The shortcut key for the Copy command is CTRL+C.

    The class selected to be copied is highlighted as shown in the picture below.

  • Copy Options

    This functionality provides you with the ability to choose various copy options. The functionality can be accessed using the Edit > Copy Options command available on the shortcut menu of the classification tree view as shown below. The shortcut key for Copy Options is CTRL+SHIFT+C.

    You can select Copy Options to copy the classes accordingly, and click OK. The copy options are shown in the figure below. Press ESCAPE to close the Options for copy class window. The options specify which properties are to be copied from the source to the destination.

  • Cut

    This functionality provides you with the ability to remove a class in the CMS classification tree. The functionality can be accessed through the Edit > Cut command available on the shortcut menu of the classification tree view as shown below. The shortcut key is CTRL+X.

  • Cut Options

    This functionality provides you with the ability to choose various cut options. The functionality can be accessed through the Edit > Cut Options command available on the shortcut menu of the classification tree view as shown below. The shortcut key is CTRL+SHIFT+X.

    When you click Cut Options, the following dialog box opens.

    The default options that are selected when you click to cut a class are:

    • Group/Part/Commodity Code Indicator for the class

    • Class layout, keywords, idents, documents (class), and class table groups

    • Source node class properties, class dependent properties, and class independent properties

    • All its child classes

    You can paste the class in either the same or a different class system. For a different class system, you are given the following options also to select:

    • Destination node class properties, class dependent properties, class dependent properties, and class system dependent properties

    • You also have the option to paste the selected class as a root node.

  • Paste (Class)

    This functionality provides you with the ability to paste an already copied/cut class in the CMS classification tree as a new class named Copy Of CopiedClassName. The functionality can be accessed through the Edit > Paste (Class) command available on the shortcut menu of the classification tree view as shown below. The shortcut key for the Paste (Class) command is CTRL+V.

    The class pasted is highlighted as shown in the picture below.

    Drag and Drop

    You can also use drag and drop to copy and paste or cut and paste a class.

    Press CTRL and drag the mouse to copy a class and then drop it on another class to paste it.

    Selecting Yes copies or moves the class. Selecting No does not perform any action on the selected class.

    The message box appears each time you paste a class. You can select the check box to remember your selection and not display it again.

    You can drag a selected class to move and drop it onto a class to paste.

    A class (that is copied) cannot be pasted into a class system in which there are no classes.

  • Paste (Document)

    The Paste (Document) command is available for those classes that are leaf nodes (and have idents associated with them). This functionality allows you to paste an already copied/cut document associated with a CMS class to the selected class. The functionality can be accessed through the Edit > Paste (Document) command available on the shortcut menu of the classification tree view as shown below. The shortcut key for the Paste (Document) command is SHIFT+V.

    • You cannot paste documents into classes that have no idents.

    • This command is not available when there are no class documents copied or cut to paste. The command becomes available when a class document is copied or cut.

  • Rename

    You can edit the class name or the short description that is shown in the CMS Explorer view using the Rename command. Click Edit > Rename on the shortcut menu in the CMS Explorer view.

    You can edit the class name directly. The short description can also be entered by providing a space after the class name. The shortcut key for the Rename command is F2.

    In the case of renaming a node (using F2), the settings for the class system govern the renaming behavior:

    If the Node Label Display Options field is 'Class Code', only class codes are displayed in the CMS classification tree for that class system. A space is not considered to be a separator between the class code and its descriptions. If you enter some text, a space, and some text, the complete entry is taken as the class code itself.

    If the Node Label Display Options field is 'Class Code and Short Description', class codes and their short descriptions are displayed in the CMS classification tree for that class system. A space is considered to be a separator between the class code and its short description. Any text entered after the first space is taken as the short description. The long description is updated to be the same as the short description if the long description is not already available.

    If the Node Label Display Options field is 'Class Code and Description', class codes and their long descriptions are displayed in the CMS classification tree. A space is considered to be a separator between the class code and its long description. Any text entered after the first space is taken as the long description. The short description is updated to be the same as the long description if the short description is not already available.

    For more information, see Creating Class Systems.

  • Delete

    The Delete command works in the same way as the Manage Class > Delete Class command. You can delete the selected class from the Explorer view.

    For more information, see Delete class from classification tree.

  • Search

    This functionality provides you with the ability to search for a particular class, based on its class code, short description, description, or keywords. You can also search for a particular ident in the idents, ident descriptions, and class layouts (system or manual) in the selected classes or in the class system.

    The Search dialog box appears when you press CTRL+F in the CMS Explorer view or when you select the Search command from the shortcut menu.

    Classes Search

    The Search dialog box (Classes tab) is shown below. You can enter a text string in the Search field, and click Find to search for a class. All of the options that you choose are applied in the search.

    Look in: This read-only field automatically displays the complete path starting from the root up to the selected class in the tree.

    All Classes: If All Classes is selected, the search is performed in all the classes for a selected class system. If All Classes is not selected, the search is performed only in the root up to the selected class in the tree.

    Search: You can enter a text string in this field.

    Search Options: You can select only one search option in this area. The options are as follows:

    • Case sensitive: If checked, the case sensitivity of the search string is used; else, it is ignored. By default, this option is not selected.

    • Contains: The search string forms a part of the result text.

    • Starts with: The result text starts as given in the search string.

    • Ends with: The result text ends as given in the search string.

    • Whole word: The result text is the same as the search string.

    Status: This option is used to check the status of the class according to the valid date range. You can select the valid status of the class before performing the search.

    • Invalid: Select this option if the search must be performed only for the classes that are out of the valid date range or classes that are non-editable.

    • Valid: Select this option if the search must be performed only for the classes that are within the valid date range or the classes that are editable.

    • Both: Select this option if the search must be performed over all the classes.

    Search In: This field refers to where the search operation is performed. You can select multiple fields here.

    • Class Code: Search the text string in class codes.

    • Short Description: Search the text string in the short descriptions.

    • Description: Search the text string in the descriptions.

    • Keywords: Search the text string in the keywords. For more information about keywords, see Bulk edit keywords.

    Find: Click this button to start the search operation.

    Search Status: Displays the status of the search.

    Search Results: After the search is performed, the search results appear in the lower part of the dialog box as shown in the figure below. The search result contains the class code, its path, and short description. You can select one of the search results, double-click it, and the software navigates in the CMS Explorer Tree, locating the selected class.

    The check box next to the class code in the search results allows you to select classes in which to perform an ident search. By default, the software searches for the idents in the same class (so you do not need to select any classes in the search results in this case). If a check box is grayed-out (unavailable), there are no idents in that class, and therefore, the class cannot be selected for further ident search.

    Idents Search

    The Search dialog box (Idents tab) is shown below. The search criteria can be entered on the Ident Details and Advanced Search sub-tabs.

    Look in: This read-only field automatically displays the complete path starting from the root up to the selected class in the tree.

    All Classes: If All Classes is selected, the search is performed in all the classes for a selected class system. If All Classes is not selected, the search is performed only in the root up to the selected class in the tree.

    Find: Click this button to start the search operation.

    Ident Details

    You can enter a text string in the Search field, and then click Find to search for an ident. All of the options that you choose are applied in the search.

    Search: You can enter a text string in this field.

    Search Options: Specify case-sensitivity and then one of the following options.

    • Match case: If checked, the case sensitivity of the search string is used; else, it is ignored. By default, this option is not selected.

    • Contains: The search string forms a part of the result text.

    • Starts with: The result text starts as given in the search string.

    • Ends with: The result text ends as given in the search string.

    • Whole word: The result text is the same as the search string.

    Search In: Refers to where the search operation is performed. You can select multiple options here.

    • Ident and Values: Searches for the string in the idents.

    • Ident description: Searches for the string in the ident descriptions.

    • Class layout (Manual): Searches for the string in the manual class layouts.

    • Class layout (System): Searches for the string in the system class layouts.

    • Search Status: Displays the current status of the search operation.

    Advanced Search

    These options are added to the search options on the Ident Details sub-tab. The advanced search allows you to enter a search query with a hierarchical query structure.

    The following details explain the options that you can specify in the search grid:

    Logical Start: Begins the query in that particular row. You can go up to five levels in the hierarchy.

    Property Type: Select a type of property.

    • Attribute

    • Table

    • Any: Includes attribute, table, and ident codes.

    • Ident Code

    Property Code: This value can either be selected from the LOV provided (next to this field), or you can enter text. The auto-complete feature is available in this field, depending on the ‘Property Type’ selected. The text (entered or selected) must be available in the LOV.

    Expression: Specify how the property code and value are compared. The available expressions are: =, !=, Contains, Does not contain, Starts with, Does not start with, Ends with, Does not end with, Is empty, Is not empty, and Range.

    If you select Range, the search is performed in a range of values, which must be provided in the next two fields (From Value and To Value). The expression can be Range only if the property type is an attribute, and the property data type is either NUMBER or DATE.

    Value/From Value: The search value for the property code can be selected from the LOV provided next to this field. The auto-complete feature is available in this field. You can enter text here, but it is not validated against the LOV. If the Expression value is Range, you must enter values in the Value/From Value column and in the To Value column.

    To Value: The value to which the search is performed while searching for a range of values. This field is editable only when the selected Expression value is Range; otherwise, this is a read-only field.

    Logical End: Completes the query in that particular row. There are ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ options available. You can go up to five levels in the hierarchy.

    SHARED Tip On the Advanced Search tab, if there is only one query row in the search, the Logical Start and Logical End values are optional.

    Advanced Search Configuration: The Advanced Search criteria that you enter can be saved and retrieved for later use. At first, a default “-“ is shown in the Search Configuration selection box. After you enter criteria, provide a search configuration name and click Save . This new search configuration is saved and added to the list.

    The search configuration can be modified and saved again. The search configuration name is unique. You can also delete the saved search configurations by selecting a search configuration name from the list and clicking Delete as shown in the figure below.

    SHARED Tip Upon right-click in the Advanced Search grid, the Formatted View command appears as in the picture below.

    When you click the Formatted View command, the query entered in the Advanced Search grid is shown in the Cms Formatted Query Viewer pop-up. You can use this command to check the correctness of the search criteria entered, for example, to verify if the logical start and logical end match.

    Search Status: Displays the status of the search.

    Generated Query: The ident values search query generated appears in this read-only field.

    Search Results: After the search is performed, the search results appear in the lower part of the dialog box as shown in the picture below. The search result contains the ident code, ident short description, class code, class short description, and path. You can select one of the search results, double-click it, and the software navigates in the CMS Explorer Tree, locating the class in which the selected ident is available and also navigates in the MAV to the selected ident in that particular class.

    The CMS Search functionality always performs the search operation based on the following property data display options: Value for attributes and Short Desc for tables.

    The Property Data Display Options for attributes and tables are available on the Add Class or Update Class dialog boxes and can be modified there. These options are considered only when displaying the data in the Multi Article View (for attribute and table type properties) but not for searching the data.

    When the data is searched, the search operation considers the value of the attributes and the short description of tables, regardless of the options set on the Add Class or Update Class dialog boxes.