SPO Project Execution - CHG/IC Summary Report - SmartPlant Enterprise for Owner Operators - Installation & Upgrade

SPO Project Execution Installation and Configuration

SmartPlant Enterprise for Owner Operators
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Installation & Upgrade
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Change Summary Report:

The Change Summary report is associated with CHG BP.

To place all DLLs, copy ChangeSummaryASPReport.dll from the default install path of CHG. For example, copy the file from the \SmartPlant\SPX\Project Execution\BPs\CHG\Software\ChangeSummaryASPReport\Server location to the bin folder of the current working sites (for example, \SmartPlant Foundation Server Files\Web_Sites\SPFSQLCoreServer\Bin directory). Here "SPFSQLCoreServer" is the virtual directory.

Copy ChangeSummaryASPReport.aspx and ChangeSummaryASPReport.aspx.vb from the default installation path of CHG. For example, copy the file from \SmartPlant\SPX\Project Execution\BPs\CHG\Software\ChangeSummaryASPReport\Reports to the current working site or \SmartPlant Foundation Server Files\Web_Sites\SPFSQLCoreServer.

Interface Management Summary Report:

Interface Management summary report is associated with IC BP.

To place all DLLs, copy ‘IPRSummaryASPReport.dll from the default installation path of IC (for example, from \SmartPlant\SPX\Project Execution\BPs\IC\Software\IPRSummaryASPReport\Server) to the bin folder of the current working site (for example, from \SmartPlant Foundation Server Files\Web_Sites\SPFSQLCoreServer\Bin directory).

Copy IPRSummaryASPReport.aspx and IPRSummaryASPReport.aspx.vb from the default installation path of IC (for example, from \SmartPlant\SPX\Project Execution\BPs\IC\Software\IPRSummaryASPReport\Reports) to the IPR Summary Reports folder under ../Reports /SPX of the virtual directory of your current working site (for example, \SmartPlant Foundation Server Files\Web_Sites\SPFSQLCoreServer\Reports\SPX\IPR Summary Report).