Pressures - CAESAR II - Help

CAESAR II Users Guide

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Specifies operating pressures. There are 10 pressure boxes, which allow up to nine operating and one hydrotest pressure cases. When you type multiple pressures, be careful with the setup of the analysis load cases. Review the recommended load cases provided by the software carefully before proceeding.

Typical units (depending on your unit system):

  • lb/in²

  • Bar

  • KPa

  • MPa

Specify operating pressures 4 through 9 through the Extended Operating Conditions dialog box, accessed by clicking the >> button in the upper right corner of the standard Temperature and Pressure input boxes. You can work with this dialog box open and move the box around for your convenience.

Type a value in the HydroPress box to signal CAESAR II to recommend a hydrotest load case.

Type the design gage pressure (that is, the difference between the internal and external pressures).

  • The software disables the Bourdon effect (pressure elongation) by default because it assumes the job to be non-conservative. If you want to enable the Bourdon effect, you can do so by using the Special Execution options. For more information, see New Job Bourdon Pressure.

  • The Bourdon effect is always considered in the analysis of fiberglass reinforced plastic pipe (Material ID=20).

CAESAR II automatically suggests load cases according to IGE/TD/12 Appendix 7. You must use the following conventions for the specification of the operating conditions.

T1 – Maximum Temperature

T2 – Minimum Temperature

T3 – Minimum Summer Temperature

T4 – Maximum Winter Temperature

T5 – Maximum Temperature (flow induced) (optional)

T6 – Minimum Temperature (flow induced) (optional)

P1 – Maximum Incidental Pressure

P2 – Maximum Operating Pressure

P3 – Compressor Operation

P4 – Demand Pressure

HP – Hydrotest Pressure