Set interference checking parameters on a workstation - Intergraph Smart 3D - Administration & Configuration

Intergraph Smart 3D Interference Checking

Intergraph Smart 3D
Interference Checking
Search by Category
Administration & Configuration
Smart 3D Version
12 (2018)
  1. Click Tools > Check Interference Command to display the Check Interference Ribbon.

  2. Click Settings to display the Interference Checking Settings Dialog.

  3. Click the Display Tab (Interference Dialog), and set the display for each type of interference and the type of interference that appears based on the required action.

  4. You can edit the values on the Local Detect tab. For example, you can assign interference checking priorities to aspects.

    SHARED Tip Maintenance, for example, is a typical aspect listed in the Aspect column. If a check of this aspect is important, then you can indicate the priority as Required. If Maintenance is not as important, then you can indicate the priority as Optional or Not checked.

  5. Specify the interference comparison criteria.

    SHARED Tip In Local Detect, the software considers foreign objects referenced in the workspace by default.

  6. Specify a rule in the Include clearance rule box, if necessary.

  7. Specify the interference marker in the Marker size box.

  8. When you have completed all your settings, click Apply and OK on the Local Detect tab.

  9. To view the current interferences list, click List View .