TruSpace Viewer - CloudWorx for Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

CloudWorx for Intergraph Smart 3D Help

CloudWorx for Intergraph Smart 3D
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Allows for quick and easy viewing of point cloud data in the TruSpace Viewer. The scan positions provide for good panoramic and 3D viewing.

TruSpace Viewer (for JetStream based point cloud data)

The TruSpace Viewer contains a Left and a Right panel. The Left panel contains the following tabs:

The Right panel displays the properties of the various tabs available on the Left panel.

TruSpace Viewer Icons

The following table displays the command icons and descriptions.



Stay on Top - Makes the TruSpace Viewer application remain on top of all application windows.

Pano - Toggles the panoramic images ON and OFF.

Top - Displays the top view of the point cloud data.

Pick - Allows you to interactively select and manipulate the scan locations in the TruSpace Viewer.

Seek - Initiates Seek mode and displays the Seek mode cursor to reset the focal point on the selected surface.

Limit Box - Creates a limit box on the point cloud data.

Show Scan Locations - Toggles the scan location ON and OFF.

Show Scan Locations as 2D - Toggles the 2D scan location ON and OFF.

Show Point Cloud - Toggles the point cloud ON and OFF.

Show Image - Toggles the image (if available) ON and OFF.

Show GeoTags - Toggles the GeoTags ON and OFF. If GeoTags are available, then you can view the collapsible panel on the left and one on the right. The left panel displays the available GeoTags. The right panel displays the properties of the selected GeoTag, including a link if present. Double-click on a GeoTag to zoom to its location. Select a GeoTag from the list to display the associated metadata on the GeoTag panel located on the right-hand side of the TruSpace Viewer. Click Go to link target next to Link/Ref to open the asset attached to the GeoTag.

Stored Color - Allows you to apply true color to the point cloud from the images.

Intensity as Hue - Allows you to apply multi-hue (red to blue) color map.

Intensity as Greyscale - Allows you to apply a greyscale color map.

Pano image - Allows you to change the display of the images to pano mode.

HDR Pano Image - Allows you to change the display of the images to HDR pano mode.

IR Image - Allows you to change the display of the images to IR mode.

Measure Temperature - Allows you to click on a point and retrieve the temperature.

Temperature Units: Celsius - Displays the temperature in Celsius.

Temperature Units: Fahrenheit - Displays the temperature in Fahrenheit.

Overview - Toggles the mini site map.

Project Information - Displays the selected JetStream project information in the TruSpace Viewer.

TruSpace Viewer (for Cyclone based point cloud data)

TruSpace Viewer Icons

The following table displays the command icons and descriptions.



Toggle Topmost - Toggles the topmost window of the TruSpace Viewer.

Pick Mode - Initiates the Pick mode and selects the Pick mode cursor, which is used to interactively select and manipulate objects in the viewer.

Multi-Pick Mode - Initiates the Multi-Pick mode and selects the Multi-Pick mode cursor to select multiple objects without holding the SHIFT key.

View Mode - Initiates the View mode and selects the View mode cursor to manually adjust the ModelSpace viewpoint.

Seek Mode (S) - Initiates the Seek mode and displays the Seek mode cursor to reset the focal point on the selected surface.

Quick Limit Box - Allows you to draw a Quick Limit Box at the cursor position.

Open KeyPlan - Launches the selected KeyPlan in a new window.

Jump to ScanWorld - Displays a selected ScanWorld.

Show Point Clouds - Toggles the display of point clouds in the TruSpace Viewer.

Show Images - Toggles the display of images in the TruSpace Viewer.

Show IR Images - Toggles the display of IR images in the TruSpace Viewer.

Show Objects - Toggles the display of objects in the TruSpace Viewer.

Show Measurements - Toggles the display of measurements in the TruSpace Viewer.

Show Neighbor ScanWorlds - Toggles the display of neighboring ScanWorlds in the TruSpace Viewer.

Increase Point Width - Increases the thickness of each point cloud displayed by one pixel.

Decrease Point Width - Decreases the thickness of each point cloud displayed by one pixel.

Adaptive Point Width - Toggles the adaptive point width ON and OFF. When the adaptive width is ON, the software adjusts the width of the points to give the best picture by filling in empty areas of the scan.

Use Color From Scanner - Used to display points with colors from scanner when color data is available.

Use Hue Intensity Map - Applies a multi-hue color map.

Use Grayscale Intensity Map - Applies a grayscale color map.