Mobile Online Enhancement - Jovix - Release Notes

Jovix Release Notes Version 2024.17

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Release Notes
Jovix Version

We are excited to announce the launch of the new “live” data search feature for Jovix mobile users, designed to provide real-time updates directly on your device. This enhancement allows you to perform live searches without the need to download data, ensuring you have the most current information at your fingertips.

When using the Online List screen, you can now enter or scan a barcode search value and see the results immediately, without leaving the screen. The text filter is set to search specifically for, and the returned data will be limited to the Materials entity type. The search results will display cards featuring hardcoded material fields including id, quantity, barcode, supplierBarcode, heatNumber, and serialNumber.

The filter bar on the Online List screen will initially show a placeholder stating “Enter or Scan Filter Value.” Once you input or scan a search value, the list of materials displayed will correspond to the search criteria based on the related catalog item names. This update ensures that you can efficiently find and view up-to-date details directly from your mobile device.