Import Templates - Jovix - Release Notes

Jovix Release Notes Version 2024.17

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Release Notes
Jovix Version

This release contains several updates to streamline the import template creation processes and enhancements to making an import function as smoothly as possible.

You will first notice that we’ve removed the feature flag from Advanced Settings in Jovix Production instances which means that when you’re creating an import template, Advanced Settings will now be visible. When you open the Advanced Settings on the field mapping page, Jovix will now clearly show which related entities are required for the selected primary or any related entity that is selected to also be created. This helps you understand what needs to be mapped for a successful import.

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We have also expanded import capabilities. We’ve broadened the types of files you can import to include “text/csv” files, and basic CSV imports should now function seamlessly from Chrome browsers. This update also ensures that the import service can handle existing status names correctly, associating valid statuses with the primary entity while rejecting any that don’t match an existing status.

We improved import accuracy for an entity status with improved back-end development. The import process now checks that status values in your spreadsheet match existing statuses (case insensitive). If a status doesn’t already exist in the system, the import will fail with a clear message, helping you address issues before the import is completed. On a successful import, status values are accurately associated with each entity row whether during entity creation or entity update. We’ve also preserved existing logic to prevent duplicate imports based on key fields and unique fields.

Within this release, we increased the time allowed for batch posts to improve performance, especially under high load. The import process for large batches (500 items or more) will now complete without timeout errors.

Upon creating a new import template, you’ll be navigated to the import template list page and can easily understand the status of the template, whether it successfully created or failed. Newly created templates will appear in the Imports workspace as expected.

Now if a related entity is created during import by using the Advanced Settings, it will be correctly associated with its logical parent.

These updates are designed to make your import processes smoother and more intuitive. We hope these improvements enhance your overall experience with Jovix!