Edits to the Work Instruction Starter Template - j5 - 28.0 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

j5 Shift Operations Management Configuration

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Administration & Configuration
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We recommend that you make the following edits:

Work Description

Enter a description for the work instruction in the INSERT WORK DESCRIPTION cell.

  1. Double-click the cell. The Value box on the Properties tab is briefly highlighted in yellow.

  2. Type the description. The new description appears in the Value box.

  3. Press Enter. The new description appears in the cell.

Procedure document

Upload a procedure document for the work instruction.

  1. Select the UPLOAD PROCEDURE DOCUMENT cell. The cell’s description appears in the File URL box on the Properties tab.

  2. Select Import File to upload a file from your computer, or select Choose Static File if the file has already been uploaded to the j5 Server. A link to the file appears in the cell.

The UPLOAD PROCEDURE DOCUMENT cell can be removed if no procedure document is required.

Task description

Enter the tasks’ descriptions in the Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3 cells.

If the work instruction requires more tasks to be configured:

  1. Insert the required number of rows (right-click a row number and insert a row above or below).

  2. Merge the cells as they are merged in the sample step rows.

  3. Copy-and-paste the sample step row format into the new rows.

  4. Enter the task descriptions.


The status cells are Checklist item types. These can be changed to a different input type, or the Checklist item options can be changed.

To change the input type:

  1. Select the task’s status cell.

  2. Select the new input type from the Type option list on the Properties tab.

To change the checklist item options:

  1. Select the checklist item’s status cell.

  2. Select the new options from the Input Style option list on the Properties tab.

Task comment box and attachment field on j5 Mobile

In order for the task Comment boxes and Attachment fields to appear on j5 Mobile, the Comment cell names need to match the beginning of their task's cell name. For example, if the task's cell name is Step2, the Comment cell name should be Step2Comment. When the Comment cell is formatted like this, the task's Comment box and Attachment field appears on the task's info screen on j5 Mobile.

To change a cell’s name:

  1. Select the cell you want to change.

  2. Enter its name in the cell name box at the top of the Properties tab.

Cell names only appear in the j5 IndustraForm Designer.

Mobile Layout

If you added new rows for additional tasks, the additional tasks need to be added to the mobile layout so that they appear on j5 Mobile. To add the tasks to the mobile layout:

  1. Select the statuses of the additional tasks.

  2. Right-click the cells and select Add to Mobile Layout. The tasks are added to the bottom of the mobile layout.

To move the tasks to the correct position:

  1. Click Mobile Layout in the toolbar. The Mobile Layout window appears.

  2. Right-click the task you want to move and select Move up.

  3. Move all the fields to the correct position. Layout changes are updated immediately.

  4. Close the Mobile Layout window.