Determines the label for each task. These labels should be brief and descriptive so users can quickly identify the data required for the task. This is required for every task.
Determines what data is accepted for the task and how it is displayed. This is required for every task.
You can choose the Type for a task from a list. The following Types are available for each task:
Label - Displays a read-only label.
Text - Provides a text entry box.
Number - Accepts any numbers.
Integer - Accepts only whole numbers.
Choice - Provides a list of options.
Checkbox - Provides a single checkbox. For example, a checkbox can be selected to confirm an equipment’s position or status.
Checklist - Provides option checkboxes. The option checkboxes can read Done; Done, Skip; Yes, No; or Yes, No, N/A.
Rich Text - Provides a text entry box with text formatting options.
The text formatting options only appear on the j5 Web Client.
Date & Time - Allows users to select the date and time from a calendar and clock.
Date - Allows users to select the date from a calendar.
Attachment - Allows users to attach photos, videos, audio files, and documents.
Image - Displays the linked static image.
Information - Displays a read-only rich text box. The text for this box is defined in the Calculation column. Markdown symbols can be used to format the text, such as:
# for Heading 1 or ## for Heading 2
* for bullet points or 1., 2., 3., ... for numbered lists
**Bold text** to bold an important word or phrase.
*italics* to italicize text
The content in an Information box is not included when the operator round's measurements are exported (when the Export Measurements button is selected).
Determines the unit of measurement (UoM) for each task. You enter the task's UoM or select the UoM from a list. If the unit of measurement is not available in the list, refer to Edit lists.
You can leave the UoM column blank when a unit of measurement is not applicable for the task.