Reveals the associated task based on the value of another task. The visibility condition for a task should be a formula.
For example, when the value for a task is bigger than or less than a certain point, it may be necessary to collect additional information. Tasks can be configured to only appear if the value of another task triggers their visibility.
The examples given on the Operator Round - HydroCracker tab in the sample tasks spreadsheet are:
The Axial Comp Inlet Temp T2 task is only displayed when the DCS control mode is selected. Condition: ControlMode = "DCS" (ControlMode is the task identifier for Control Mode)
The Fuel Gas Scrubbing task is only displayed when the Fuel Gas Metering value is bigger than 80. Condition: Fuel_Meter>80 (Fuel_Meter is the task identifier for Fuel Gas Metering)