Trend Days - j5 - 28.0 - Help - Hexagon

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Determines whether the trend history for the task is displayed.

  • For Number and Integer type tasks, the trend history is displayed in a trendline next to the input box for the task, and a trend chart and table appear on the info screen for the task.

  • For Choice and Checklist type tasks, the trend history is displayed in a trend table on the info screen for the task.

Enter a value in the Trend Days column to enable the trend display and to configure the number of calendar days displayed.

The trend history (trendline, chart, and table) is available when your mobile device is online or offline.

A high number of trend days may result in performance issues. Consider how the number of trended values will be affected by the frequency of the round, the number of tasks in each round, and the number of shared data points across the different rounds. For example:

  • If a round is scheduled to be completed daily and the Trend Days is set to 80 days, there would be 80 values trended for each task. If only a few tasks in the round are trended this might not affect performance, but if many of the tasks in the round are trended (for example, over 100 tasks) this is more likely to result in performance issues.

  • If a round is scheduled to be completed once every three months and the Trend Days is set to 365 days, there would only be four values trended for each task. This won't result in performance issues. The same is true for 730 days (2 years) because 8 values won't affect performance.

  • If the Data points feature is enabled and there are shared tasks (data points) across multiple operator rounds, the Trend Days will trend all the values collected for that task (data point) across the different rounds. So, if a round is scheduled to be completed once every three months, but it includes tasks that are completed (for example, daily) in other operator rounds, 365 days may result in performance issues because it will display all the values for those tasks from the last year.