Tag Value Explorer - j5 - 28.0 - Help - Hexagon

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The Tag Value Explorer is a specialized dashboard for the operator rounds. Here you can compare input values for a given time period.

To open the Tag Value Explorer, select Dashboards > Tag Value Explorer.


To filter the data you want to display:

  1. Select HIERARCHY-TREEicon to choose the area for the relevant operator round.

  2. Select the relevant date range.

  3. From the first option list, select the operator round with the relevant data.

  4. From the middle option list, select the data type (Numeric Only). By default, the Tag Value Explorer supports numerical data only.

  5. From the last option list, select the input field.

The filter option lists are in a repeating section. Select REPEATING-ADDicon to add another input field's data for the comparison.

We recommend that you limit the number of input fields to five, because too many graphs on the same chart are hard to read.

When all the filters have been selected, the data for the input field is automatically displayed in the graph and table.

If the input field has control minimum and maximum values configured, these values are displayed in the graph as a dotted line. They are labeled as the input field's LCL (Lower Control Limit) and UCL (Upper Control Limit).


Tag Value Explorer - One input field selected


Tag Value Explorer - Two input fields selected