Installation of required software - j5 - 28.0 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

j5 OSIsoft PI Connector Configuration

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Administration & Configuration
j5 Version

The following OSIsoft PI Server versions are supported (including the service pack releases):

  • 2016 R2

  • 2017 and 2017 R2

  • 2018

The j5 OSIsoft PI interface requires either or both PI AF Client (recommended) and PI SDK to be installed on the j5 server.

PI AF Client is required to access all the functionality described in this document relating to PI Asset Framework including PI Event Frames. PI AF Client connects to PI Asset Framework, which includes an indirect connection to the PI Data Archive tag values.

PI SDK enables a direct connection to PI Data Archive.

If you're only going to use PI AF (Asset Framework), you only need to install PI AF Client. PI SDK is not needed for PI AF.


We support PI Web API 2019.

A j5 PI Web connection requires the OSISoft PI Web API to be installed and configured on a server j5 can access.