Server settings on Windows - j5 - 30 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

j5 Mobile Installation

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Installation & Upgrade
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To retain the j5 Mobile server settings from one user to the next on a Windows device:

  1. Create a JSON file with the following details:

    • Name: j5-mobile-server-settings.json

    • Location: %PROGRAMDATA%\j5\j5-mobile-server-settings.json (The default %PROGRAMDATA% location is C:\ProgramData).

    • Contents:


      "host": ""

      "oAuthEnabled": true or false


    • The host details are required.

    • The oAuthEnabled setting is not required and defaults to false. The oAuthEnabled setting (true or false) should be lower case and shouldn't be in inverted commas ("false" is treated as true).

  2. In the advanced options for j5 Mobile (Windows settings > Apps > j5 Mobile > Advanced options), enable the File system under App permissions.

    j5 Mobile - app settings

    j5 Mobile is automatically closed (if it is open on the device), when you enable the File system.

  3. Ensure that the File system access and the Allow apps to access your file system settings are On (Privacy settings > App permissions > File system).

When this configuration is used for the j5 Mobile server settings, the server settings can't be manually adjusted in the application.

If you have signed into j5 Mobile before this configuration with different server settings, a Changed Server Settings dialog box appears when you open j5 Mobile. It states that the j5 Host settings have changed and that any unsynced changes have been lost.