Add a user - j5 - 28.0 - Help - Hexagon

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FRAMEWORK - add new user

  • User Name - Enter the user's sign in username.

  • Full Name - Enter the user's name and surname.

    The name in the Full Name box is used to display the user's interaction with the j5 interface (for example, when they've added or edited an entry). If the Full Name box is left blank, the user's username (in the User Name box) is used instead.

  • Email - Enter the user's email address. This email address is used when j5 is configured to send emails to this user.

  • Password - Enter the user's password. The password needs to comply with the password strength requirements set up for your j5 system.

    This password has no effect unless you're using the DBAuthenticator. However, this is a required field for the user to be saved, even when you're using Active Directory or OAuth.

User permissions

The user's permissions are either governed by their selected profile/s or by their selected Rights Group and operational areas (Site, Section, Area, and Unit).

  • Default Profile - Select the user's default profile. This profile will be selected when they sign in. (see Add a user profile)

  • Alternative Profile - If the user fulfills multiple roles, select all of the other profiles that this user should be able to select when their role changes.

    The user's rights group and operational areas are determined by their selected profile/s. The Rights Group and operational area fields (on this configuration page) can't be edited after a profile is selected. The user's Shift Names and Times structure can also be determined by their profile.


  • Rights Groups - Select the user's rights group. (see User rights).

  • Site, Section, Area, and Unit - Select the operational areas the user should have access to. Multiple areas can be selected if necessary. (see Operational Areas)

    If a user is only assigned a Site and Section, the user has access to all of the selected section's areas and units.

  • Shift Names and Times - Select the shift structure by which this user's work is managed.


  • User Role - The user roles are used in applications that have a workflow applied. They determine what workflow steps the user can carry out. If this user is involved in these workflows, select the role they should have permissions for.

  • IndustraForm Roles - This setting allows you to define who can be assigned to this particular role. Only the users that have the particular IndustraForm role selected on this page can be assigned to the role when candidate restriction is used. (see Assign roles)