Add a new continuous tag - j5 - 30 - Help - Hexagon

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To add a new continuous tag to the Tag Watch List:

  1. Click Add ADDicon. The Adding window opens.


  2. Enter the tag's details (the fields with orange labels are required):

    • Tag - Enter a name for the tag. This name needs to be unique in the j5 Event Manager application. The name can remain unchanged even if the underlying data source or process tag name changes. We recommend that the tag name doesn't contain any spaces.

    • Variable Type - Select Continuous from the list.

    • Datasource - Select the tag’s data source from the list.

    • Datasource Tag - Select the tag from the list.

    • Description - Enter a description for the tag.

    • Site, Section, Area, Unit - Select the operational area information for where the tag is positioned.

    • UOM - Enter the appropriate unit of measurement for the tag’s data.

    • Decimal Places - The number of decimal places recorded for each data point.

    • Monitoring Strategy - Choose how the data is retrieved.

      • Poll: This option retrieves a single value at each polling interval.

      • Query for Updates: This option retrieves all of the values since the last retrieval occurred.

      • Subscribe for Updated: This option receives values pushed to it by the data source and does not poll. This option may result in a high network usage, as the number of push events is determined by the data source. The number of entries with this option should be carefully considered and tested.

    • Target Polling Frequency - If you select Poll or Query for Updates, choose how frequently the data is retrieved.

    • Tag Excursion Delay - An event is only triggered when the tag's trigger state exceeds this time period. Refer to Tag excursion delay for more information.

    • Disable Events? - Choose when you want the events from this tag to be disabled.

      • Never - This is default selection. The events from this tag aren't disabled.

      • Always - All of the events from this tag are disabled.

      • Tag - The events from this tag are disabled when the Controlling Tag value is in the configured state.

    • Controlling Tag - This field appears when the Tag option from the Disable Events? list is selected. Enter the name of the controlling tag (the tag name in its Tag box) and the state that should disable the events for this tag separated by a period (for example, VacuumPump.OFF).

      • The controlling tag must be a discrete tag.

      • The controlling tag must be actively monitored.

    • General Distribution List(s) For Raised Events - An email is sent to the distribution list/s members when an event is triggered. Refer to Create a new j5 Distribution list for information on how to configure distribution lists.

      • Each continuous tag limit (Target High/Low, Standard High/Low, and Critical High/Low) can have a separate distribution list configured. When the tag's value reaches a limit, an email is sent to the configured distribution list/s.

      • When no Target Form is selected, an email is sent to the relevant distribution lists for every event.

      • When a Target Form is selected, only one email is sent per tag limit (for example, if the tag values go from Target High to Standard High, and then back to Target High, an email is sent for the first Target High and Standard High, but not when it goes back to Target High).

      • When a Target Form is selected, a lower limit email is not sent when a higher limit email has already been sent (for example, if the event starts at Standard High, and then goes down to Target High, an email is sent for the Standard High event but not for the Target High event).

      • When the event crosses the neutral threshold (from a high state to a low state, or low to high), another email is sent (for example, if an email is sent for a Standard Low event, it won't prevent a Standard High email from being sent).

  3. Set the tag limits (Target High/Low, Standard High/Low, and Critical High/Low). Refer to Continuous tag limits for more information.

  4. Set the Deadband on the tag limits. Refer to Deadband for more information.

  5. If aggregate event information is required in another application, select the relevant application from the Target Form list.

  6. If a Target Form is selected, enter the Aggregate Period (minutes). This determines how long the events will be grouped together (one entry) in the target form. If there is another event after the aggregate period has expired, a new entry is created in the target form and the aggregate period is started again.

  7. Click Save SAVEicon. An Enable Monitoring dialog box appears.


  8. To enable monitoring, click Yes.

If you click No in the Enable Monitoring dialog box, to enabled the tag monitoring later:

  1. Click Edit EDITicon

  2. Select Enabled from the Monitoring Enabled? list.