Link events that were interrupted on startup to the same target Logbook record - j5 - 28.0 - Help - Hexagon

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The Skip datasource readings during startup configuration setting needs to be No for this configuration setting (Link events that were interrupted on startup to be the same target Logbook record) to be activated.

j5 stops reading the active event tag data when j5 is shutdown. When j5 restarts, the interrupted events (the active tag events that j5 stopped reading) are given the Interrupted status in the Tag Watch List. If these events are still ongoing when j5 restarts, new event records for these events are created in the Tag Watch List.

When the Link events that were interrupted on startup to the same target Logbook record configuration setting is activated, there are two events (one with the status Interrupted and the other with the tag's state at restart) in the Tag Watch List, but only one Operations Logbook entry if j5 starts within the tag's aggregate period. The Operations Logbook entry's link in the entry's description will display all the tag's events within the tag's aggregate period. The aggregate period is measured from the beginning of the Interrupted event.

If the aggregate period has lapsed before the j5 restart, whether this configuration setting is activated or not, another Operations Logbook entry is created.

If an aggregate period has not been set for the tag, when j5 restarts it compares the end state of the Interrupted event and the start state of the event when j5 starts. If the states are the same, only one Operations Logbook entry is created for the event.