My Actions - j5 - 28.0 - Help - Hexagon

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The My Actions dashboard gives an overview of actions associated with the logged in user.

This dashboard consists of 5 main indicators. Each one is detailed below:

Total Active - Percentage Overdue

This indicator shows two figures

  • Total Active - All open actions (not closed) where the logged in user is the responsible person.

  • Percentage Overdue - The percentage of open actions that have passed their due date.

Open Action by Status

This indicator shows all open actions grouped by their status where the logged in user is the responsible person. For each status, hovering over it gives a summary of the related actions.

Next Steps

This indicator shows all of the next steps the logged in user has to take for actions associated with them. For each next step, hovering over it gives a summary of the related actions.

Open Actions

This indicator gives a table summary of all of the open actions where the logged in user is the responsible person.


This indicator displays recent action activities associated with the logged in user.