The SDB Merge Tool available in the SDB product installation location must be hosted in the application server using IIS by following the steps in Install the SDB Merge Tool.
Log in to the SDB Marge Tool by referring to Log in to the SDB Merge Tool.
Using the Show differences in hierarchy mode of migration to perform the complete migration of SDB 12.4 or SDB 12.5 database to SDB 12.6 is strongly recommended.
To reload or re-connect to the databases, you must sign out and refresh the browser URL.
When the database comparison is complete, the SDB Merge Tool displays the differences between two databases in the tree hierarchy, and data from the source and target databases can be seen side by side in the grid view according to the selected hierarchy node.
For more information on the SDB Merge Tool, see Understanding the SDB Merge Tool.
Order of the merge or migration process
It is recommended to follow the order below to perform a complete merge of data to the target database.
Document Management
Attribute Management
Table Management
A special node to quickly merge all the Table Detail differences from the source to the target database
Geometric Management
Commodity/Ident Management
Special nodes to quickly merge all the Commodity code description and Commodity code layout description differences from the source to the target database
Objects under Commodity/Ident Management
Geometric Rules
Assembly Management
A special node to quickly merge all the CMS Class properties and layout differences from the source to the target database
Objects under CMS
Smart 3D Integration
A special node to quickly merge all the Data Table Configuration Attribute differences from the source to the target database
Objects under Smart 3D Integration
CADWorx Integration
PDMS Integration
SPIso Integration
Smart 3D Seed Destination Data
For more information on merging of data from each node, see Merge Tool Log on Modes.
You must identify, validate, and delete all the invalid idents from the target database after the merging or upgrade process is completed.
You need to validate and delete Target Only records at all the levels.
When the migration is complete, log on to the Smart Reference Data > Specification Management and build idents for all the specs.