Target audience and objectives - Intergraph Smart Reference Data Standard Database - Version 12.6 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

Standard Database for Intergraph Smart Reference Data Installation and Migration

Intergraph Smart Reference Data Standard Database
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Installation & Upgrade
Standard Database for Smart Reference Data Version

Who should read this document?

  • System and application engineers or administrators responsible for installing Intergraph Smart Reference Data - Standard Database (SRD-SDB).

  • Database administrators responsible for administering SRD.

What can the reader expect from this document?

  • Information on how to install SRD-SDB into a blank database.

  • An understanding of the SDB Merge Tool and workflows to merge data from one database to another.

  • Guidance on upgrading and migrating their SDB 12.4 or SDB 12.5 database to the SDB 12.6 database.

What should the reader not expect from this document?

  • An explanation of database creation and administration.

  • Instructions for installing SDB in an existing SRD database or merging data from SDB into an existing SRD database.

  • An explanation of how to install pre-migration scripts on the target database before running the SDB Merge Tool.

What knowledge is required to understand the contents?

  • Users must be familiar with the Microsoft Windows operating system and Oracle database administration.

  • Knowledge on how to create a web application on a web application server using Internet Information Services (IIS).