Step 3: Run the SDB version update statement - Intergraph Smart Reference Data Standard Database - Version 12.6 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

Standard Database for Intergraph Smart Reference Data Installation and Migration

Intergraph Smart Reference Data Standard Database
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Installation & Upgrade
Standard Database for Smart Reference Data Version

This topic describes how to run the statement to update the SDB version to the current release compatible version (for example, SDB 12.3).

  1. Open SQL*Plus and connect to the database as sysdba, as shown below:

    Sqlplus /nolog

    connect sys/<password> as sysdba

    If you are on a multi-tenant architecture (CDB or PDB), ensure that you are connected to PDB and not to CDB.

  2. Run the following statement:

    INSERT INTO SDB_SYS.SDB_SERVICE_PACK (version_num,version_name,hotfix_num,version_date,comments) VALUES('','SDB 12.3',null,SYSDATE,null);