Smart Electrical and Smart Instrumentation Cable Data in SDB - Intergraph Smart Reference Data Standard Database - Version 12.2 - Help - Hexagon PPM

Standard Database for Intergraph Smart Reference Data Help

Intergraph Smart Reference Data Standard Database
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Standard Database for Smart Reference Data Version

As the part numbers for the SPI Cable Reference Data is in line with the existing S3D cabling data added for Smart Electrical data; the Smart Instrumentation data is merged with existing CMS classes such as P600Vc1, P600Vc2, P600Vc3, INSTRUMENTATIONCABLES in CMS Component Manager.

SDB has also added the additional Smart Instrumentation attributes to existing classes and modified the existing Smart Electrical sheet Configurations to make them common for both Smart Electrical and Smart Instrumentation .

SDB has modified the existing Smart Electrical Item Mapping, Transfer Type and Template, Transfer Job to make them common for both Smart Electrical and Smart Instrumentation in SDB. This exported Cabling Reference Data can be imported both into Smart Electrical and Smart Instrumentation using import Utility and used for modelling.