Naming Format - Intergraph Smart Reference Data Standard Database - Version 12.2 - Help - Hexagon PPM

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Intergraph Smart Reference Data Standard Database
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Standard Database for Smart Reference Data Version

Discipline Information

The disciplines defined in SDB are shown below.

Naming Format_Discipline

The table below shows the general naming convention for attributes, table names, and so on.

Sr. No.


Delivered Attributes Start With

Company Specific Attributes Start With


















Enterprise Content



Standards (System)

Standards are defined on A.10.05. Standards screen found under Administration > A.10 Base Information.

  • P_SYSTEM enables the user to identify the commodity code and the country standard it belongs to and prevents commodity code duplication. (For example, consider a Design Standard A1 that stands for ANSI std. in the US system, and A1 may stand for another Design Standard in the EN System, but in different table groups. This situation might result in a duplicate commodity code if all other attributes are the same.)

  • P_MAT_SYSTEM enables the user to use mixed standards. In a commodity code, the material could be from ASTM, but the dimensional standard could be from EN or JIS.

  • Also, these attributes are not shown in the description and do not affect any end users.

  • The standard XX is meant for company specific use.

  • In the structural discipline, the Steel Section Standard is defined as a COMMODITY GROUP. However, other structural components use the Standard (S_SYSTEM).

Table Names

All the piping table names defined on Table Management grid under type COMMATTR start with P_. All the linked tables used for the ALIAS tables are named as P_ALIAS_LT% or P_ALIAS_TRIM_LT%. Also, the non-piping content table name starts with PLC_%.

A company-specific table name must use the following format:

  • XS_<table name> for the Structural discipline

  • XPL_<table name> for the Enterprise Content discipline,

  • XP_<table name> for the Piping discipline.

Table Groups

Most of the table groups are defined separately for each standard/system. However, there are exceptions such as the table names for Weld Type (P_ALIAS_LT_WELDTYPE), Length (P_ALIAS_LT_LENGTH), End Preparation P_END_PREP, and so on, which are not grouped according to the system.

The table group name reflects the SYSTEM to which it belongs by the suffix _US for the American system or _XX for a company specific system.

Table Details

Customers can add new table details starting with X.

Table details for the ALIAS and ALIAS_TRIM starting with a number (0 to 9) along with letters A, C, W, and Z are reserved for future extensions.

User can use table details starting with letters B, D to V, X and Y (BAA, BAB, Y1B, YZZ, and so on) to define user’s own ALIAS table details. It is recommended that the use of letters O and I be avoided, if possible. For other table details except for ALIAS and ALIAS_TRIM, user can use table details starting with numbers.

For P_ALIAS and P_ALIAS_TRIM, the range for users starts with the characters BAA and can range up to YZZ in the existing groups. (Table details starting with A, C, W, Z, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0 are reserved for the future extension of SDB by Hexagon).

If the table details are created in a company-specific group, customers can add any table detail under this table group.

If it is necessary to add table details to an existing group, only numerical values must be used by customers.

Commodity Rules

All the rules for the piping discipline start with P_. The rules are defined to allow for different groups and parts. The current rules are independent of the standard or system.

The rules are defined in such a way that it is not mandatory for the ALIAS to be defined in the commodity code. The English NLS has been defined as the default for both pre-configured short description and long description. There is also a layout defined for NLS_ID = 20 (PIP_ENGLISH); this is a special layout in the format used by reports for the Process Industry Practices (PIP) specifications that are included in SDB.

The non-piping content rules start with PLC_ and as in the case for piping, the rules are independent of the group and system. All the non-piping content has one rule.

A company-specific rule name should be in the format "XP_Rule" for Piping, "XS_Rule" for Structural, and "XPL_Rule" for Enterprise Content. These rules can use both the delivered table name as well as the company-specific table name.


Various geometric attributes are defined for piping and structural, Smart 3D, common attributes, and so on. The piping geometric attributes are defined in the group GEOM ATTRS, and the piping specific attributes start with P_.

  • The structural attributes are defined in the group S DIM ATTR, and the attributes start with S_. These attributes are used in Smart Reference Data.

  • These attributes can be used if the customer wants to maintain structural data in Smart Reference Data.

  • The structural attributes are defined in the group STR ATTR, and the attributes start with STR_. These attributes are used in Smart Reference Data Plus Component Management System (CMS).

  • The CMS attributes are defined in the group CMS_STD, and the attributes start with CMS_.

  • The CMS attributes for importing non-piping content using XML are defined in the group CMS_XML and the attributes start with E_.

  • When a new attribute is created by the user, the attribute should be in the format "XP_Attribute" for Piping, "XS_Attribute" for Structural, and "XPL_Attribute" for Enterprise Content.

  • Structural attributes are defined in the group S DIM ATTR, and the attributes start with XS_ for company-specific attributes.

Adding a Group

User can create groups starting with the character X, as shown in the examples below.

XP - Company Piping Group

XS - Company Structural Group

Adding a Part

User can create company-specific parts in the company groups (XP, XS as mentioned above). A part can have any character if it is added in the company group, as mentioned above.

When adding parts in the delivered commodity groups in SDB, users should be restricted to the use of numerical values only. Letters should not be used for parts created in the delivered groups.

Object Parameters

The naming format of object parameters is defined as below:

  • The name of object parameters starts with P_.

  • 2N specifies that two sizes are required.

  • 1S2 states that the schedule/thickness from the second size is required.

  • The last character E stands for each.

  • The structural parameter starts with S_ and is defined by the depth or weight.

Object parameters are assigned to the parts in part object parameter grid. For parts with different object parameters, the window 2 of S10.06 allows user to define the attributes that define which table detail is valid for that part. The correct schedule is mapped for the components with 2NPS and 1 schedule, and the naming format reflects which schedule is mapped, such as SCH1 or SCH2.

The company-specific object parameter for Piping should be in the format XP_1N1S_.


Different geometrics are defined in SDB such as

  • Commodity Geometrics for ident creation,

  • Filter Geometrics for specifications,

  • Standard Geometrics for dimensions,

  • Weight and schedule for weight calculations, COG, and so forth.

  • Rating Geometrics for defining specification ratings etc.


  • The geometric table structure for piping standards is based upon a four-tier structure.

  • The first tier is the build ident geometric. This is recommended to be used with the Build Ident flag checked. This table contains all possible combinations of nominal sizes and schedules/thickness definitions.

  • The geometric rule definition uses the 1, 2, 3 series for the build ident geometrics.

  • The second tier contains the dimensional information. Typically, dimensional standard, pressure rating, end preparation, material grade, and P_ALIAS parameters are used for geometric rule definition creation. Schedule thickness is not used for creating geometric rule definitions.

  • The geometric rule definition uses the 101, 102, 103 series for the dimensional standard tables.

  • The third tier contains the weight information. This table does not exist for all components; some have an automatic weight calculation. In this case, the weight information is stored in the ident value rather than the geometric weight table.

  • The geometric rule definition uses the 1001, 1002, 1003 series for the weight tables.

  • The fourth tier contains the COG information.

  • The geometric rule definition uses the 2001, 2002, 2003 series for the COG tables.

  • The geometric rule definition series greater than 4000 is for customers.

Commodity Geometrics

The geometric tables for building idents are present on SRD > Component Manager > Geometric Management > Geom Types/Geom Names > Commodity Geometrics. The naming format starts with P_BI_, where BI stands for Build Ident.

Also, the naming format for company-specific geometrics should start with XP_BI_xxx.

  • The delivered data excludes the thickness and only includes the schedules, so that unnecessary idents are not pre-created.

  • In ASME B36.10, for Size 4", the S-80 and S-XS represent the same thickness. The S-XS has only been used to avoid duplicate idents being created by using both the schedules in the build ident geometrics. The same philosophy is used for other sizes and schedules.

  • Separate geometrics are used for ident creation for reducers and reducing tees, to avoid the creation of unused idents for these reducing fittings.

Standard Geometrics

The dimensions are stored in the standard geometrics. The naming convention for dimensional standard tables is provided in the format:


The naming format in company-specific dimensional standard tables for dimensional geometric names must be in the format:


In most of the cases, material grade is not required. In some cases, dimensions may vary based on the material grade.

For the components that do not require rating, such as PLUG, the <Rating> field is omitted. Examples of table names are:

  • P_FWN_DSTD_B16_5_CL600_RF

  • P_OPLR_DSTD_B16_11_THD

  • P_BE9L_DSTD_B16_9

  • P_MFKN_DSTD_B16_39_CL150

  • Generally, the dimensional standards do not have schedule/thickness information because there is no variation in dimensional values based on the schedule.

  • The value at the end of the table signifies the unit definition for all the dimensional information that is stored within the table. This information is important to ensure the correct conversion of the dimensional data into other dimensions.

Weight & COG Tables

The naming philosophy used for the weight tables is the same as for the standard Geometrics.

Instead of "DSTD", as used in the dimensional tables, it is "WGHT" in the weight tables and "COG" in the COG tables. Therefore, if the user adds a new thickness into SDB, the weight information must also be added.

Examples of table names are:

  • P_PPP_WGHT_JISG3459_SS304/321_SMLS

  • P_PPP_WGHT_JISG3459_SS304/321_WELD

Other geometrics

  • The Smart 3D Interface will now allow the user to export SDB PIP specifications either with .Net or COM (VB6) Symbol ProgIDs. Mapping between .Net and COM symbol ProgIDs are provided in SRD > Geometric Management > Other Geometrics > S3D_SYMBOL_MAPS geometric table.

  • The SDB also uses the schedule table to store the information of the wall thickness and inside diameter used for weight calculation.

  • The SDB also uses geometrics for nominal sizes, nominal reducers, branches (S.40.05), and so on, for the effective filtering of sizes for the specification items in the specification header.

  • The SDB uses other geometrics for storing density information, which is used for automatic weight calculation.

Geometric Rules

The Geometric Rules screen under SRD > Component Manager > Geometric Rules is used for mapping the build ident table, dimensional tables, Center of Gravity (COG) tables, and weight tables for the appropriate component.

The name of the rule is a concatenation of the commodity group and part. The part rule FWN stands for the group F (for Flange) and part WN (for Weld Neck Flange).

  • The geometric rule definitions use numbers from 1 to 100 for mapping the build ident tables to the group and part based on the attributes.

  • The geometric rule definitions use numbers from 101 to 1000 for mapping the dimensional tables to the group and part based on the attributes.

  • The geometric rule definitions use numbers from 1001 to 2000 for mapping the weight tables to the group and part based on the attributes.

  • The geometric rule definitions use numbers from 2001 to 3000 for mapping the COG tables to the group and part, based on the attributes.

If the same geometric table is used for different parts, only one geometric table is loaded and is mapped to both the rules to avoid duplicate entries. Care should be taken to clear the Build Ident check box when not applicable.

Example: The dimensional data for the reduced bore ball valve (VBU) and the data for the full-bore ball valve (VBT) is the same. Hence, the table P_VBT_DSTD_B16_10_CL150_FF is mapped to the group VB and part U as well as for the part T.

Short Codes

Short Code Management present under SRD > Spec provides all the short codes present in SDB. The branch short codes start with the angle.

For example, the 45-degree branches have short codes starting with 45 and the 90-degree branches start with 90. This notation enables a user to apply the correct spec header geometric to the short codes. Similarly, the reducers start with RED and swages start with SWG. The other short codes are defined on Short code management.

If the user adds any new short codes, the above factors must be considered for the Piping components. To ensure uniqueness, customers can suffix the short codes with _XX.

After adding the new short code, go to Parts to Short Codes grid to assign the required parts to the short code. After assigning the parts to short codes, the next step is to assign the option codes on the Allowed Option Codes grid.