Install SmartSketch in Silent Mode - SmartSketch - Installation

SmartSketch Installation

Installation Guide
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To install SmartSketch in silent mode from a command line:

  1. Open a Command Prompt window from the Start menu.

  2. Type "<path and setup.exe>"/install/silent SLAACCEPT=YES SERIALNUM=<serial number> and additional optional arguments into the command line. For example, the command line:

    setup.exe /install/silent SLAACCEPT=YES SERIALNUM=01234567891234

    Uses serial number 01234567891234 and installs the default selected features to the default folder, [Install Drive]:\Program Files(x86)\SmartSketch.

  3. Press ENTER to install SmartSketch.

Required Arguments

The required arguments are:

  • /install

  • SLAACCEPT=YES - Accepts the Software License Agreement.

  • SERIALNUM=<serial number> in the command line.

  • /silent - No user interface of any form is displayed. If you do not include /silent on the command line, dialog boxes display during the installation process.

Optional Arguments

The available optional arguments are:

  • INSTALLLOCATION="<path to install to>"

  • DRAWING_FILES="<path to Drawings files folder>"

  • ADDLOCAL=<comma-delimited list of optional features to install>. To add all features, type ADDLOCAL=ALL.

  • REMOVE=<comma-delimited list of optional features to remove from installation>. To remove all features, enter REMOVE=ALL.

  • /LOG <path and file name of installation logging file>

    • Insert a space between ‘log’ and the first double quote (") for the path, otherwise, the log file gets generated in the Temp folder.

    • The path gets automatically created if it does not exist.

    • The install software creates three log files: one for the bootstrapper, one for the RAD setup, and one for the SmartSketch setup.

  • /UNINSTALL "<path and filename of the setup.exe file> - Removes SmartSketch

To include additional optional features, set ADDLOCAL=ALL, and then use the REMOVE command to delete the list of features to omit.

All optional arguments are placed in the command line after the argument SERIALNUM=<serial number>. For example, the command line:

"<path and file name of setup.exe file>" /install /silent SLAACCEPT=YES SERIALNUM=<serial number> INSTALLLOCATION="C:\SmartSketch" DRAWING_FILES="C:\Drawings"

Defines the file paths for SmartSketch and drawings files.

Optional Features

To install or remove other optional features, use the ADDLOCAL and REMOVE arguments in the command line. For example, the command line "<path and file name of setup.exe file>" /install /silent SLAACCEPT=YES SERIALNUM=<serial number> INSTALLLOCATION="C:\SmartSketch" AddLOCAL=ALL REMOVE=AECSolutions,MechanicalSolutions installs all files except AEC Solutions and Mechanical Solutions.

The available optional features include:

Displayed Optional Feature Name

Command Line Name (case sensitive)

Sample Files


AEC Solutions


Electrical Solutions


General Solutions


Mechanical Solutions


Process Solutions




Programming Tools


Additional Examples

The command line "<path and file name of setup.exe file>" /install /silent SLAACCEPT=YES SERIALNUM=<serial number> silently installs SmartSketch to the default folder.

The command line "<path and file name of setup.exe file>" /install /silent SLAACCEPT=YES SERIALNUM=<serial number> /log "<path>\logfilename.log" creates an installation logging file.

The command line "<path and file name of setup.exe file>" /install /silent SLAACCEPT=YES SERIALNUM=<serial number> INSTALLLOCATION="C:\SmartSketch" ADDLOCAL=ALL installs all files to a different file path.

The command line "<path and file name of setup.exe file>" /uninstall /silent runs the basic silent install.