Move a Dimension - SmartSketch - Help

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  1. Click part of the dimension that you want to move.

  2. Drag the dimension to a new location.

The previous procedure describes the general steps you can use to move a dimension. The following descriptions explain how to move specific parts of a dimension.

To move the dimension line

  • Click the dimension line and drag the dimension.

To move the dimension text

  1. Click the dimension text. Drag the dimension to one of the following positions:

  2. Drag the dimension to one of the following positions:

    • Along the dimension line

    • Outside of the dimension line

    • Outside of the projection line

To move the terminator

  • Click the terminator and drag it.

To move the projection line

  • Click the projection line and drag it.

    You can lengthen or shorten the projection line.

To move the leader break line

  • For radial dimensions, you can move the break line of the leader line. Click the dimension text. Then, drag the text while pressing SHIFT.

See Also

Dimensioning Drawing Elements