Multi-Point Warp Command - SmartSketch - Help

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 Performs linear and non-linear transformations of images.

A warp is a two-dimensional topological transformation in which a source area is fitted to a destination area. Usually, a warp is used to counteract some undesirable influence on the original raster data. For example, a satellite photograph which includes asymmetrical curvature may need to be fitted to a square grid for mapping purposes.

Essentially, a warp is a reverse interpolation to remove unwanted distortions and arrive at a desired raster data form. The source is the raw, distorted data, and the destination is the desired data after the warp operation. The relationship between source and destination is specified by the warp model and by a series of source/destination point pairs. These pairs specify the relationship between the original drawing and the drawing after the warp.

Warping changes the scale of the drawing. Therefore, if you have already determined the position of your raster drawing in relation to your vector drawing, you will lose the previously set scale when you warp.

To use this functionality, you must install the Image Integrator option.

See Also

Multi-Point Warp Ribbon