Use Mouse Only or Mouse + Keyboard Combinations (Fly Mode) - SmartPlant Markup Plus - Version 2019 SP 2 ( - Help

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SmartPlant Markup Plus
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

Fly mode offers a fluid, first-person movement in any direction within your model. In Fly mode operation, use your mouse to look around as well as work in conjunction with your keyboard for motion in all directions. You change the viewing direction with the mouse and move around with the keyboard.

By using mouse-only or mouse + keyboard controls, you can:

  • Look 360 degrees around from a stationary point.

  • Travel through your model and move up/down stairs and ramps

  • Move sideways in a sidestepping motion.

  • Move up and down to change your elevation.

SHARED Tip When you are in Fly mode, your cursor changes to a crosshair that is located at the center of your view window. When you exit Fly mode, the cursor changes back to its original pointer.

Application-Specific Information

Smart 3D Fly Mode Information

  • When you exit Fly mode, right-click or press ESC twice to exit 3D navigation.

Smart Construction Fly Mode Information

  • To encircle or rotate around a selected object, use the Smart Construction Encircle Model command in the Toolbox. In Smart Construction, you will not be able to use the left-mouse drag operation to encircle objects.

Fly mode actions:

The fly mode actions are listed in the following table.



Open quick-help to get information on 3D navigation


Enter/Exit Fly mode

F (Toggle to enter/exit)

Exit fly mode, cancel all fly mode operations

F again (Toggle on/off), ESC or right-click

Turn on/off crosshair

X (Toggle on/off)

Enter and exit fly mode to use mouse and keyboard combination navigation controls.



Move in

Mouse Wheel Forward -or- W

Move in (factor of 2)

Middle Mouse Button/Wheel Click

Move left


Move out

Mouse Wheel Backward -or- S

Move out (factor of 2)

SHIFT + Middle Mouse Button/Wheel Click

Move right


Move up


Move down


  • Walk through your model in the direction of the crosshair. Roll the middle mouse wheel forward and back, or press and hold the designated WASD key. A left or right move is a sidestepping motion.

  • A middle mouse click moves you halfway in to your target point. Use SHIFT + middle mouse click to move back out the distance of the eye point from the target. The perspective angle does not change.



Move in and left.

W + A -or- Mouse Wheel Forward + A

Move in and right

W + D -or- Mouse Wheel Forward + D

Move out and left

S + A -or- Mouse Wheel Backward + A

Move out and right

S + D -or- Mouse Wheel Backward + D

Move left/right/up/down

Middle Mouse Drag

  • Walk at various angles through your model. Roll the mouse wheel forward and backward while holding down the designated direction key. Or, hold down the needed two direction keys simultaneously.

    SHARED Tip In a key combination move, if you release one directional key, you still continue moving in the direction of the other key.

  • Press and hold the middle mouse button to side-step left or right. This enables you to move the model without changing the direction in which you are looking.



Look up

I -or- Mouse Move Forward

Look left

J -or- Mouse Move Left

Look down

K -or- Mouse Move Backward

Look right

L -or- Mouse Move Right

Look around the model as if you were turning your head. Simply move the mouse up/down, left/right from the crosshair point.



Return to the default view of your model


Create your own custom home view


Reset a customized home view back to the original default home view


Press the H key if you are 'lost' in the model or need to get back to a known view.



Encircle or rotate around an object

Left mouse - press and hold

When rotating around an object, the encircle point is the current center point; not the center of the selected object.