Publish documents to SmartPlant Foundation - Integration - Update 46 - Help - Hexagon

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10 (2019)
  1. Click SmartPlant > UI Command > Publish. The Select Documents dialog box appears.

  2. Select one or more documents in the dialog box, and click OK.

    • From the Publish dialog box, add any additional documents to the Selected documents list by using the Engineering Tool , File System , or Find toolbar buttons.

    • If you selected View > Options > SPFVersions, you must have already created a revision of the document using your SmartPlant Test Tool.Net before you can publish that document for the first time. If a document has several revisions, the software uses the most recent revision of that document.

    • If you selected View > Options > ToolRevisions and you try to publish a document for the first time, the software displays an error message that the document you tried to publish does not have a revision number. To create a revision without first publishing the document, open the test file using Microsoft Excel, and enter a value in the Revision cell. Next, click SmartPlant > UI Command > Publish and publish the document you just modified. (SmartPlant Test Tool.Net test files are usually located under ..\Test Files in the installation folder, for example, <Drive>:\Program Files\SmartPlant\SmartPlant Client.NET\SP Test Tool\Test Files.)

    If you run SmartPlant Test Tool in non-UI mode, the Custom hierarchy option is not available.

  3. If the Documents revised in projects dialog box appears, click one of the following options:

    • Yes - Continue with the publish process. All the listed documents are published to the plant.

    • No - Publish only the documents that have not been revised into a project.

    • Cancel - Stop the publish process.

    The Documents revised in projects dialog box appears if you are publishing from the plant level of an authoring tool, and that authoring tool is configured to use ICC2, and one or more of the selected documents has been revised into a project. The dialog box lists all the documents revised in the project.

  4. In the Publish dialog box, review the information displayed about the selected document or documents, and provide any missing information required.

    • When multiple documents are selected, only property values shared by all the selected documents appear in the table.

    • SmartPlant Foundation allows you to publish to a default workflow. The default workflow set in Server Manager for a SmartPlant Foundation site is automatically selected on the Publish dialog box. However, you can change the default workflow and choose another workflow on the Publish dialog box.

    • If you create a default workflow to which to publish and do not select a workflow on the Publish dialog box, documents automatically publish to the default workflow

    • The Comment box allows you to enter information about the selected publishable documents.

    • All the owning groups available in SmartPlant Foundation are displayed for publishing. For more information about owning groups in integration, see Using owning groups with Publish and Retrieve.

  5. Click OK. A dialog box will appear after some time to report success or failure on the publish.

    If you chose to run SmartPlant Test Tool in non-UI mode, the tool will automatically publish the documents you selected, and a confirmation dialog box appears and reports success or failure.

See Also

Connect to a plant in SmartPlant Foundation
Connect to a plant in SmartPlant Foundation
Test scheduled publishing