Options dialog box - Integration - Update 46 - Help - Hexagon

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10 (2019)

In versions of SmartPlant Test Tool before, users needed to create environment variables to determine how the test tool would perform functions. Now, users can control some of these variables by using the Options dialog box.

If the corresponding environment variables exist, they provide the default values for the Options dialog box.

To access the Options dialog box in SmartPlant Test Tool, click View > Options. Below is an explanation of each option.

  • File mode - Select this option to run SmartPlant Test Tool in file-only mode. For more information, see Run the test tool in file-only mode.

  • Display logon dialog box - Select this option to make the SmartPlant Test Tool's logon dialog box appear every time you connect to SmartPlant Foundation. This option allows you to connect to SmartPlant Foundation with a user name different than that used to log on to the local operating system.

  • BatchPublish - Select this option to enable the batch publishing option in the Operation menu in the Publish dialog box.

  • BatchRetrieve - Select this option to enable the scheduled batch retrieve option in the Retrieve dialog box.

  • FindToPublish - Select this option to enable the Find Documents to Publish functionality.

  • Mapping - Select this option to indicate that the tool uses the mapping schema for publish operations.

  • MultiToolPlantsToOneSPFPlant - Select this option to allow multiple tool connections to the same SmartPlant Foundation plant.

  • NoCorrelationInTool - Select this option to determine if the object correlation must be performed by SmartPlant Foundation or not. Object correlation indicates that a published object is the same as the object published by another tool.

  • NoMinorRevisions - Select this option to disable minor revisions in the Publish and Revise dialog boxes.

  • RetrieveViewFile - Select this option to indicate that the tool supports retrieving the view file as part of the retrieve operation.

  • SPFRevisions - Select this option if you want the test tool to use the revisioning mechanism from SmartPlant Foundation.

  • ToolBatchPublish - Select this option to enable scheduled batch publishing in Smart3D.

  • ToolRevisions - Select this option if you want the test tool to use the revisioning mechanism from the tool.

See Also

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