Examples of SQL Commands - Intergraph Smart Instrumentation - Help

SmartPlant Instrumentation Internal Setup

Intergraph Smart Instrumentation
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Smart Instrumentation Version
2016 SP1 (11.0.1)

The following SQL Select command retrieves the current software version and domain name from the Admin schema tables:

Select rev_software, proj_name from project;

The following SQL Select command retrieves loop numbers and their associated instrument tag numbers from the Domain schema tables:

Select component.cmpnt_name, loop.loop_name from component, loop where component.loop_id = loop.loop_id;


Select c.cmpnt_name, l.loop_name from component c, loop l where c.loop_id = l.loop_id;

  • End each command with a ; (semicolon).

  • In this example, the where argument ensures that the tag numbers appear with the correct relationship to the loops to which they belong.