Upgrade the CMF file - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 47 - Installation & Upgrade

SmartPlant Foundation Upgrade

SmartPlant Foundation
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Installation & Upgrade
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
  1. Log on to SmartPlant Foundation Server Manager, and expand the SmartPlant Foundation Sites node.

  2. Right-click the site, and click Tools > Upgrade Wizard.

  3. In the Upgrade Path page, select your upgrade path from the list of available upgrades, and click Next.

  4. In the Upgrade Options page, clear the Upgrade data in the database check box, and select the Upgrade configuration managed file check box.

  5. Select the I have a customized CMF file option, and browse to select the checked out CMF file (EF Schema.cmf) in the Customized CMF file box. If you have checked out the CMF file at 04.02 folder, browse to select the CMF file located at ..\Common Files\Intergraph\EFSchema\04.02 folder.

  6. Click Next to begin the CMF upgrade.