Server Manager Toolbar - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 46 - Administration & Configuration

SmartPlant Foundation Server Manager Help

SmartPlant Foundation
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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

The following commands are available on the Server Manager toolbar.

Back - Allows you to go back to the previously selected node in the tree.

Forward - Allows you to go to forward from the currently selected node after you have used the Back command.

Up One Level - Moves the selection up one level in the tree.

New - Allows you to create new sites. This command is available only when you select the Sites node in the tree view. For more information, see Create a new site.

Delete - Allows you to remove sites. This command is available only when you select a site in the tree view. For more information, see Delete a site.

Import - Allows you to import database dump files. For more information, see Import a database dump file.

Test Database Connection - Checks the connection of the data database. For more information, see Test a database connection.

Properties - Allows you to view and edit the properties associated with the node you have selected in the tree view.

Help - Displays the Server Manager Help.