Modify site settings from the command line - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 46 - Administration & Configuration

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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Use SPFServerManager.exe with the /updatesitesettings argument to modify the settings properties for a site. You must provide information about the site and properties using additional arguments:

/sn: - names the site to be updated.

/PropertyName: [PropertyValue] - sets property values for the site.

When the Requirehttps property is modified, if the site use Smart API Manager for authorization, you must also provide the SAM administrator credentials to update the SAM server, as in this example:

SPFServermanager.exe /updatesitesettings /sn:SDx /RequireHttps:true /samusername:admin /sampassword:1

This example updates two properties, one that prompts the user for a log in and another that enables secure internal communications for the site.

SPFServermanager.exe /updatesitesettings /sn:SDx /DisableAutoLogin:true /RequireHttps:true

The complete property name is required.

This example updates a site named SDx that uses a manually configured SQL server connection string to connect to the database server.

SPFServermanager.exe /updatesitesettings /sn:SDx /"Manually Configured SQL Connection String":"Data,1433;Initial Catalog=A; Persist Security Info=False; User ID=MY_USER; Password=MY_PWD; MultipleActiveResultSets=False; Encrypt=True; TrustServerCertificate=False;Connect Timeout=10;Max Pool Size=200;"