SmartPlant Foundation - SmartPlant Foundation - Update 48 - Release Notes/Bulletin

SmartPlant Foundation Release Bulletin

SmartPlant Foundation
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Release Notes/Bulletin
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version


  • When you try to view a model in Intergraph Smart® Review, an error message will now appear if a supported version of Smart Review is not installed on the computer. (CR-AM-128440, TR-AM-114356)

  • When comparing two versions of a document, the View and Compare window displays the correct files. Previously, if two viewable files were attached to one version, the window displayed the wrong file for that version. (CR-AM-105451)


  • With SmartPlant Foundation 2019, only 64-bit versions of Smart Review are supported. (CR-AM-128440, TR-AM-114356)

  • SmartPlant Foundation 2019 supports Okta authentication. For more information, see Configure API Services to use Okta authorization server. (CR-AM-139166)

  • When configuring methods, you can now indicate whether the method should be available for use or hidden from users in the SmartPlant Foundation Web Client using the Suppress in the Web Client option. For more information, see Create or update a method. (CR-AM-125319)

  • When generating a rendition, the file name is limited to 128 characters. If the length of the source file name, without the file name extension, is greater than or equal to 118 characters, the source file name extension is removed from the alternate rendition name. If the length of the source file name, without the file name extension, is less than or equal to 117 characters, the source file name extension is appended to the alternate rendition name. (TR-AM-133961)

  • Tree views of the CMF File Manager user interface now display custom schema items that are contained in separate pseudo files referenced from within the CMF file. (TR-AM-138281)

  • A new method, VTLTargetSytemListEdit, has been added to the ListEditContextMenu client API. Using this method, list editing is now configured on the shortcut menu of a Data Validator target system object in the SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client to update multiple target systems simultaneously. For more information, see ListEditContextMenu client API and its delivered methods. (TR-AM-144478)

  • When installing SmartPlant Foundation, the database dump files, which can be used to create a starter database for a new site, are delivered as a selectable component during product installation. With SmartPlant Foundation 2019, the SPF42 dump file is no longer being delivered, and the SPFADW dump file is delivered if the Starter Database component is selected during installation. Also, access to the database components is restricted by the serial number you enter during installation. For more information about installing SmartPlant Foundation and selecting components, see Install SmartPlant Foundation. (CR-AM-143364)

  • When you upgrade from SmartPlant Foundation 2016 (6.0) to SmartPlant Foundation 2019 (10.0), the GetWorkflowStepsForUserAtStatus method definition is replaced with the GetToDoList method definition. For more information, see Get workflow items no longer works after upgrade. (CR-AM-106416)

  • When applying security rules for complex objects, you can optimize performance by configuring security rules on the object level rather than at a higher Master level. For more information, see Query performance applying security rules. (TR-AM-14429)


  • Graphic reports with a large number of criteria now generate correctly. Previously, the reports would not generate if there were too many criteria to display in the Current Definitions window. (TR-AM-120365)

  • Graphic reports now zoom correctly when you select an object in the Graphics Results window and click Fit. Previously, zoom did not work correctly if you had first selected the report in the tree view and changed its Fit property to Matching Items. The Fit property is set on the 3D tab of the Define Symbology dialog box. For more information, see Graphic Reports. (TR-AM-121844)

  • The delete instructions for updating the information about deleted CDW objects at the target site are now read and generated in a CSV file using the Exchange Data functionality. For more information, see Exchanging published documents. (CR-AM-136470)

  • A sample workflow for regenerating the graphics map files after the document objects are exported to the target system is now available on Smart Community. The sample work flow is CDWGenerateGraphicsMapFile, and it contains a custom process step, SDVCDWGenerateGraphicsMapFile. For more information, see Exchanging published documents and Regenerate graphics map files in a target system. (CR-AM-136466)

  • A sample workflow to configure the automatic exchange of published documents and data to a target system is now available on Smart Community. The sample workflow is Auto-CorrelateWithExchangeData, and it contains a custom process step, RunSPFExchangeData. For more information, see Exchanging published documents and Configure a load job for exchanging documents and data automatically. (CR-AM-136467)

Data sheets and data lists

  • You can now publish multiple LLA and IPD data sheets using the Publish feature. (CR-AM-134933).

Workflows and transmittals

  • You can now set the ProcessStepRuntimeArgs(True) attribute on any process step class to execute the process step asynchronously. For more information, see Asynchronous process step. (CR-AM-131131)

  • A new workflow system option is available to configure the recalculation of step target dates when you reassign a workflow step to another user or role or when you add one or more users to the original workflow step that is already initiated. This option is enabled by default when the product is upgraded to version 2019 and is disabled by default when version 2019 of the product is installed the first time. For more information, see Workflow options.

Consolidated Data Warehouse (CDW)

  • The CDWEnabled flag is now set to True when you install SmartPlant Foundation. If you are creating a new site or upgrading a site that points to an existing shared object model database, you must set the CDWEnabled flag to False. (DI-AM-135669)


  • SmartPlant Foundation now persists session state information in the application server and the database to ensure that license tokens are released after the server restarts. (CR-AM-135944)


  • Plants are now listed alphabetically on the Register dialog box. (CR-AM-128876)

  • The software now prevents you from loading or consolidating a published document version if a later version of that document has been successfully loaded and consolidated in the database. (TR-AM-140563)

  • You must associate the inconsistency report methods with one or more access groups before the reports will be available to users. For more information, see Viewing inconsistency reports in Microsoft Excel. (TR-AM-134722)

  • The relationships between the ISPFCDWObject and ISPFTEFSharedObject interfaces and the ViewItemInDrawing and ViewItemInModel methods have been removed. These methods are now related to interfaces for specific shared or CDW objects published in the model or drawing. (CR-AM-141654)