
Smart Production SSC Workshop Parameters


Default value is empty.

This parameter applies only if NWSNcMoveAutomaticallyOnStart is CustomProcedure or if NWSNcMoveButtonVisible is CustomProcedure.

If the parameter has a value and NWSNcMoveAutomaticallyOnStart = CustomProcedure, then the software opens the NC Move window when you start a selected work.

If the parameter has a value and NWSNcMoveButtonVisible = CustomProcedure, then the software displays the NC Move window when you click Move NC Program.

Parameter value example: ROTATE;False|True;Rotate nesting 90 degrees

Parameter values include:

  • Action XML tag name (For example: ROTATE will be <ROTATE>… </ROTATE>)

  • Action selection combo options (For example: False|True)

  • Action selection combo explanation text (For example: Rotate nesting 90 degrees)

If the parameter has no value, NC Move window is not used.