Limitations for Available Locations - Intergraph Smart Production - Help

Smart Production SSC Storage Location Functionalities

Intergraph Smart Production
Storage Location Functionalities
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The following parameters determine which storage locations are available and how the system uses storage location types.

  • NWSStorageLocationLimitByType

  • NWSStorageLocationLimitByWorkPlace

The value of both parameters can be set to True or False.

Parameter and value




All storage locations defined for the site are available for all the workplaces.



Only the storage locations selected for the workplace are available. The type does not matter. For more information, see Select a storage location for a workplace.



The type of the storage location affects how you can use the location. The type is taken from the site level, not from the workplace level. Storage locations are shown and suggested according to the type. For example, when rejecting parts, locations with the type Scrap Storage are shown.



Only storage locations added for the workplace are available. Also, the type is taken from the workplace level. This is the most restrictive option. If there is a default storage location defined in the workplace level, this location is selected as a default in Smart Production Workshop for the Storage Location field.

If the Storage Location field is defined as a free-form text field (that is, NWSStorageLocationUseCombo = False), you can still feed in a location that differs from the limitations. In this way, it is possible to make a conscious decision to use a different storage location than what is defined. If the limitations shall be absolute, the field must be defined as a combo box. In this case, you have no option but to choose from a list of locations.