After installing Smart Materials and Smart Materials Web it might happen that the theme is not loaded correctly. The browser will point out some issues in loading resource files with Tomcat, and a message is displayed like: ‘unable to load resource file Intergraph_theme.css (or similar)’.
The Login page might look like:
This happens if the ORDS Client is installed before the APEX REST DATASERVICES are installed.
The Tomcat (Catalina.log) LOG might show something like:
*** The pool named: |apex|pu| is reporting no APEX workspaces are enabled for RESTful Services,
but the pool named: |apex|al| is reporting 2 workspaces are enabled.
This implies APEX was installed after Oracle REST Data Services. Please run the following command and restart Oracle REST Data Services:
java -jar ords.war validate --database apex
APEX based RESTful Services, including those used to serve static resources will not function until this has been done.
To resolve this issue, open a command prompt and run this command at the tomcat server to validate the ORDS (or APEX) schema and objects:
java -jar ords.war validate --database apex
Afterwards, the login page should look like as shown below.