Identify Unit Conversion Discrepancies - Version 2020 (10.0) - Hexagon

Smart Materials Web Installation (10.1)

Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version

To run the report, click Unit Conversion Discrepancies on the Administration page.

Unit to unit conversions are defined in Smart Materials on the Units page. This report can be used to display those unit to unit conversion definitions which produce deviations when converting from one unit to the other and back to the initial unit.

For example, you have defined a conversion rule 1 USD = 2 EUR, and another rule 1 EUR = 1.5 USD. If you convert 1 USD into EUR and back into USD you would not get the original value of 1 USD.

If a unit to unit conversion rate is defined, and if the reverse rate is not defined, the software automatically calculates the reverse conversion based on the defined conversion rate. This means, in this case there won't be a discrepancy shown in the report.


The deviations are displayed grouped by the projects and product groups in which the conversions are defined, with

  • the result of the conversion in the Conversion column,

  • the result of the re-conversion back to the original unit in the Re-Conversion column,

  • and the difference in the Deviation column.

  • This is an interactive report.

  • Click SearchColumn and select the column where you want to search, type the search criterion in the Search box, and click Go to apply the search.

  • To change the number of displayed rows, select a value from the Rows list.

  • Additionally, you can customize the report to meet your requirements, save the report, and download the result in csv or html format (see Use Actions menu).