Prevent Admin Password Changes - Version 2020 (10.0) - Hexagon

Smart Materials Web Installation (10.1)

Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version

To prevent the workspace admin account’s password from being changed, do the following steps:

  1. Click Manage Workspaces on the Admin Dashboard.

  2. Click Manage Developers and Users.


  3. Click the Edit button (pencil) beside the ADMIN user in the BIR_SPMAT workspace.


  4. Select No in the Require Change of Password on First Use box, and then click Apply Changes.


    A confirmation message appears.

    You’re done. You can create more users if you need to, but this is optional.

  5. Click Sign out.


  6. Start SQLPLUS and connect as SYS user.

  7. Perform the following commands to add grants to BIR_SPMAT:

    alter user bir_spmat grant connect through APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER;

    alter user bir_spmat grant connect through APEX_PUBLIC_USER;

    alter user bir_spmat grant connect through ORDS_PUBLIC_USER;

    alter user bir_spmat grant connect through APEX_LISTENER;